read the NAEYC Position Statement regarding serving young children and design an assessment

read the NAEYC Position Statement regarding serving young children and design an assessment

Designing an Informal Assessment

Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 3.

In this module, we learned about formal and informal assessments.

In the Module 3 application assignment, you will read the NAEYC Position Statement regarding serving young children and design an assessment that complies with those guidelines.

  • Create a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for the paper.

Step 1. Read
Access and read the NAEYC Developmentally Appropriate Practice position statementLinks to an external site.  regarding developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age eight from the NAEYC website.

In this document, the bottom of page 21 and most of page 22 (number 4) lists guidelines for the assessment of children’s development and learning.

Step 2. Design and Describe
Applying the guidelines for the assessment of children’s development and learning, design an informal assessment to use in an early childhood setting.

Your assessment can be in the form of a checklist, an activity with a rubric, a guide to collecting portfolio samples, a method of structured observations, or any other informal measure

Be sure the assessment meets the criteria set forth in #4 of the document.

Describe the assessment and how it would be conducted. Include:

  • the purpose of the assessment.
  • the information you intend to gain from it
  • the way you intend to use the information gained.

Reflect on the assessment design process and its alignment with the NAEYC guidelines. What did you learn from the assignment that you could share with colleagues?

Please read the Assignment GuidelinesLinks to an external site. before you begin working.


Master’s Assignment Rubric v.3

Master’s Assignment Rubric v.3
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates a Conceptual Understanding20 to >16.9 pts Mastery A. Clearly addressed all elements of the assignment. B. Demonstrated real-world application. 16.9 to >13.0 pts Marginal A. Addressed most of the elements of the assignment. B. Demonstrated marginal real-world application. 13 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Somewhat addressed the elements of the assignment. B. Demonstrated little to no real-world application. 0 pts No submission20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems30 to >25.4 pts Mastery A. Clearly addressed the issue/problem. B. Exhibited scholarly analysis and evaluation. C. Established a solid connection to theory and/or research. D. Demonstrated critical thinking surrounding the issue/problem with depth and breadth. E. Formulated deep conclusion and/or implications. 25.4 to >20.9 pts Marginal A. Addressed most of the issue/problem. B. Somewhat exhibited scholarly analysis and evaluation. C. Established some connection to theory and/or research. D. Demonstrated a superficial understanding of the issue/problem. E. Formulated surface-level conclusion and/or implications. 20.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Many issues/problems not addressed. B. Exhibited little to no scholarly analysis and evaluation. C. Established little to no connection to theory and/or research. D. Demonstrated limited evidence of understanding the problem/issue. E. Formulated limited evidence of conclusion and/or implications. 0 pts No submission30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Evidence30 to >25.4 pts Mastery A. Displayed a variety of scholarly references as evidence. B. Demonstrated use of scholarly literature and research beyond sources provided in the course. 25.4 to >20.9 pts Marginal A. Displayed a marginal use of references. B. Demonstrated a marginal use of literature and research provided in the course. 20.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Displayed little to no use of references. B. Demonstrated little to no use of literature and research provided in the course. 0 pts No submission30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Writing10 to >8.4 pts Mastery A. Exceeded or met formal writing standards. B. Demonstrated correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling. 8.4 to >6.9 pts Marginal A. Met or marginally met a basic level of formal writing. B. Demonstrated inconsistent use of grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling. 6.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Basic formal writing skills limited or not present. B. Demonstrated difficulty with grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling. 0 pts No submission10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format10 to >8.4 pts Mastery A. Demonstrated near- perfect APA formatting. 8.4 to >6.9 pts Marginal A. Demonstrated marginally correct APA formatting. 6.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Demonstrated limited correct APA formatting. 0 pts No submission10 pts
Total Points: 100

Requirements: as needed   |   .doc file

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