Read the article by Hefti et al. (2018) titled “Analysis of outpatient HER2 testing in New York state using the statewide planning and research cooperative system

Read the article by Hefti et al. (2018) titled “Analysis of the out patient HER2 testing in New York State using the statewide planning and research cooperative system

Preferred Format: APA
Number of Sources: 1
Number of Pages: 2
PowerPoint slides:
Preferred Spacing: Double spaced
Your Topic: IRB
Assignment Details: Read the article by Hefti et al. (2018) titled “Analysis of outpatient HER2 testing in New York State using the statewide planning and research cooperative system”, found in Files. Write a 350 words response that discusses if the IRB would classify the research as HUMAN SUBJECT research or not and why.

Follow APA referencing style.

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Read the article by Hefti et al. (2018) titled

APA 429 words

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