Race is arguably the most consequential concept in the history of this nation (and the world)

Race is arguably the most consequential concept in the history of this nation (and the world)

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Assignment Details: Race is arguably the most consequential concept in the history of this nation (and the world). To extend the discussion, visit the website that accompanies a fascinating documentary, “Race: The Power of an Illusion,” at https://www.racepowerofanillusion.org/themes/Links to an external site.. Its major point parallels this unit: specifically, that race is a social construction, a cultural and political perception invented during particular historical eras, largely to justify and rationalize the differential treatment of others. Once established and passed from generation to generation, race becomes hugely consequential in the lives of U.S. citizens–it becomes its own reality, shaping and controlling peoples’ lives. I encourage you to explore all seven subsections (or themes) of the website. Prepare answers to each of the questions below and use this information along with ideas from this unit to discuss the concept of race. Please answer each question below between 1-2 paragraphs (5 sentences per paragraph).

In what ways should race be considered a “modern” idea?
In what ways is race not a biological concept?
How have ideas about race evolved and changed since ancient times?
What are some U.S. examples of how public policy has treated people differently based on race? What are some of the consequences?
How have definitions of Black and White changed over the years? How have U.S. Census Bureau definitions of race changed? Why?
Scroll to the theme “Racial Classification: Who Decides?” and click on the link “Changing Categories.” Then, click on the “clips” link the navigation bar. Watch the clip entitled “Difference in Skin Color.” What does this video make you think about race as a concept? Can you accurately tell someone’s race by looking at her or him? If not, what does this say about the concept of race?
After exploring the 7 themes, pick one to explore deeper by walking through each of the articles, interviews, Q&As, and clips. Which theme did you choose and explore and why? What were your expectations before your exploration? What did you learn more about after exploring that theme?
How to Submit Your Assignment
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Number of Pages: 1

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Race is arguably the most consequential concept

APA 608 words

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