Psychomotor skills are mostly activities that involve movement and help people learn about their environment

Psychomotor skills are mostly activities that involve movement and help people learn about their environment

Week 7 Discussion 1

Revisit the two essential psychomotor skills that you selected for your discussion posting during week 6. What are two strategies you might use to assess the student’s learning outcomes and improve learning?

Requirements: 300 words

Masters Nursing

Week 6 Discussion Post

Darinka Pozo

WednesdayApr 12 at 4:30pm

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Hi Everyone,

Psychomotor skills are mostly activities that involve movement and help people learn about their environment. They are distinct from cognitive or interpersonal skills. Understanding that good psychomotor skill application necessitates both cognitive and behavioral abilities is essential. We need to interact with patients in order to accomplish this.
The majority of activities for psychomotor skills involve movement. Even though movement is emphasized in training, practice requires the application of similar principles and knowledge.
In nursing, it is essential to acquire and incorporate psychomotor skills for patient care. The following psychomotor skills are necessary for a clinical or nursing course:
• Starting an IV
• Important indicators are being tracked.
• Working with hospital equipment • Preparing and administering medications • Regular patient care
• Proper personal hygiene is crucial.
• Establishing a clean climate.
• An NG tube is being put in.

By allowing students to use skills when they are needed, these psychomotor skills work in conjunction with a person’s LRC to improve their success and performance.
The development of psychomotor and procedural skills necessitates opportunities for recurrent practice as well as precise, instructive feedback from the coach, another professional, or simulator to correct performance shortcomings. By practicing and progressing through the three phases of motor learning, students can improve their skills: autonomous, associative, and affective
Development arranged psychomotor capacities incorporate things like checking pulse and setting an intravenous line. These psychomotor skills are based on logic, and many of them require clinical thinking to figure out what the data mean and how treatment will affect them.
By determining the level of learning students are capable of and encouraging them to advance, a nursing instructor might be able to aid students in developing psychomotor skills.
Nursing understudies should initially fathom the ability and how to do it accurately prior to getting psychomotor abilities. They must study, gather suggestions, and correct any errors in order to become proficient. Students improve their speed with practice. The motions become more predictable.
With more practice, they would be able to practice the skill without having to think about each move. After receiving their initial laboratory instruction, students are unlikely to retain a skill if they do not put it into practice, especially over time. Through exercises, clinical practice, and experimental experiences throughout the curriculum, fundamental psychomotor abilities must be practiced. This will help students keep their skills and make it easier for them to use them (Borrego et al.). ,2021).


Borrego-Balsalobre, F. J., Martínez-Moreno, A., Morales-Baños, V., & Díaz-Suárez, A. (2021). Influence of the Psychomotor Profile in the Improvement of Learning in Early Childhood Education. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(23), 12655.

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