provide an overview in an executive summary format of two to three pages of the strategic messages identified in your original campaign

provide an overview in an executive summary format of two to three pages of the strategic messages identified in your original campaign

Reading: Text Chapters 2 & 10

Research Assignment: Based on the Communication Plan you created on your previous class, provide an overview in an executive summary format of two to three pages of the strategic messages identified in your original campaign plan, and the communication tools you plan to use to execute those messages. Justify why these choices are the correct ones to reach your intended target audiences, based on your research.

The paper must address the following objectives:

  1. Introduction paragraph on your client or company
  2. Background paragraph and analysis of the plan’s issue, program, or project
  3. Background paragraph on the client/company’s ultimate goals and objectives for this specific campaign
  4. List the specific elements of your campaign. You MUST include at minimum:
    1. Website
    2. TWO social media channels
    3. ONE “earned” media effort
    4. ONE Marketing or PR based tactic (advertising, content marketing, direct mail/email, print)
    5. ONE additional element
  5. Demonstrate your research with attribution to your sources. These can be contained within the document or at the end of the document.
  6. Use correct English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  7. Do not include extra paragraphs or content in excess of what is required to complete your assignment’s communication objective. Do not waste your reader’s time. Strive for quality, not quantity.

Requirements: 2-3 pages



By: Scott


Password: Sky123456

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strategic messages

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