Provide a rationale for why the skill was chosen and cite course literature to support your rationale

Provide a rationale for why the skill was chosen and cite course literature to support your rationale

Team Discussion for Module 5
Within your teams, please discuss your plan/approach for the intensive teaching assignment:

  • What level learner did you select and what skill did you choose based on the learner’s assessment? Provide a rationale for why the skill was chosen and cite course literature to support your rationale. • What teaching strategy/procedure did you select and what literature support did you obtain? Cite specific sources. • What approach did you take in explaining the procedure? For example, how did you explain the behavior terminology using language that is reasonably understandable to the client? • How did you identify the hypothetical question that your potential client would ask? How did you respond to the question? • In what ways did you present professional behavior in terms of appearance, communication, and knowledge?

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cite course literature

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