Prothero, God Is Not One. Read chapters on Introduction, Yoruba Religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Atheism

Prothero, God Is Not One. Read chapters on Introduction, Yoruba Religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Atheism


  • Prothero, God Is Not One. Read chapters on Introduction, Yoruba Religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Atheism. (Introduction: 3 points; Yoruba Religion: 3 points; Other chapters: 4 points) 
  • Check Canvas > Modules > Reading Journals for further instructions, due dates, terms/definitions, and short video clips. 
  • Upload your files (MS Word or PDF) on Canvas > Modules > Reading Journals
  • Each reading journal has five parts in general:
    • Part I. Minimum 1-page (single spaced; longer is fine; for Atheism chapter, it could be 1/2-page) chapter summary. Read the textbook chapter carefully. Then write a summary in any format that works for you (bullet points, prose, question-answer type, summary by subheadings of the textbook, mindmap, etc.). Make sure that your summary needs to show that you read through the whole chapter and paid attention to the contents (Not just a selection of pages or headings, but the whole chapter from the beginning to the end). NEVER COPY AND PASTE OTHER PERSON’S WORKS OR SOMETHING YOU FOUND ONLINE.  
    • Part II. Terms and Concepts. Review the textbook and lecture slides pdfs (NOT Google or Wiki). For lecture slides pdfs, go to Canvas > Modules. Write down 1-2 sentence explanations or definitions for the terms provided. Try not to copy and paste but retype or write on your own words. This will help you to review the materials and study for the exams. The terms that you need to answer will be announced for each reading journal.
    • Part III. Minimum 5-sentences reflection on a short video clip (Except Introduction and Yoruba Religion). There will be short video clips (20 min) for each reading journal assignment (except Introduction and Yoruba Religion). As you watch the video, write a short reflection–what was the most interesting or puzzling, any questions or thoughts, any elements/terms you recognized or learned about the religion, etc. The short video links will be provided for each reading journal.
    • Part IV. Comparison (Except Introduction and Yoruba Religion). Minimum 5-sentences. Compare the religion with other religions you know or we learned in class. 
    • Part V. Personal Reflection. What did you learn throughout the reading of the textbook and reviewing the lecture materials on this particular topic/religion? Minimum 3-sentences.

Part II. Terms/Definitions 

1. Islam: the meaning of the term itself, basic characteristics

2. Allah

3. Muhammad

4. Pre-Islamic Arabia

5. Hijrah

6. Quran/Koran

7. Significance of the Arabic language in Muslim religiosity (esp. Quran)

8. Three core beliefs of Islam

9. The Five Pillars of Islam (with a short explanation of each pillar)

10. Ramadan

11. Jihad

Part III. Video Reflection

Minimum 5-sentences reflection on a short video clip (Except Introduction and Yoruba Religion). There will be short video clips (20 min) for each reading journal assignment (except Introduction and Yoruba Religion). As you watch the video, write a short reflection–what was the most interesting or puzzling, any questions or thoughts, any elements/terms you recognized or learned about the religion, etc. The short video links will be provided for each reading journal.

This video is very short (25 min), hilarious, and contains some details we didn’t get to discuss in our class, so you will enjoy watching it!

Part VI.

Comparison (Except Introduction and Yoruba Religion). Minimum 5-sentences. Compare the religion with other religions you know or we learned in class. 

Part V.

Personal Reflection. What did you learn throughout the reading of the textbook and reviewing the lecture materials on this particular topic/religion? Minimum 3-sentences.

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Prothero God Is Not One

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