Prepare a 1-2 page project proposal that provides the background on your selected client organization, a summary of the project, and a project timeline.

Prepare a 1-2 page project proposal that provides the background on your selected client organization, a summary of the project, and a project timeline.


Familiarity with the basic concepts of change management and the learning organization, and developing an awareness of your own individual values and vision, is important to your growth as a change agent and leader. Throughout this course, you will build on your understanding of these basic concepts and skills as you integrate them into your work.

Before you begin your first of the series of five assessments that comprise the course project-a project that is the core of this course-read the Overview of Change Management Strategy Hands-On Experience Project [PDF] document to understand the scope of the project and its requirements.


As a part of your course project, you will be expected to engage with an outside group or a real-life team from your workplace, a place of worship, or a civic group, of at least four people. As you choose your client organization, be aware that you will be asked to think about and make recommendations to this team’s larger organization. If you have not yet done so, read the Overview of Change Management Strategy Hands-On Experience Project [PDF] document to understand the scope of this project and your assessment requirements.


Your project proposal is the first deliverable you will provide for your client so they can understand the goal and purpose of the project and the scope of your work with them. Your project proposal should have these sections:

  • Project Objective.
  • Background of Organization.
    • Identify the main contact and the role of that contact in the organization and for the change project.
    • Include a brief history of the client organization, what they do, and why they are in need of change management support.
  • Project Summary.
    • Describe your project. What is the change need?
    • Outline the scope of your project and what you will be doing for the client.
    • Identify stakeholders and sponsors.
    • State goals and objectives.
  • Project Timeline.
    • Explain how you will be meeting with your client organization.
    • Identify how often you will be meeting with your client.
    • Create a timeline that you can provide for your client so they will understand what’s going to happen.

Additional Requirements

Your submission should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Write in complete sentences that are free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in an exemplary and professional manner through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing.
  • Font: Arial, 12 point.
  • Page length: 1-2 pages.
  • Citations: Include complete citations of any sources you use. Review Evidence and APA for more information on how to cite your sources.

Review the assessment scoring guide for details on how your assessment will be graded.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze key change management principles.
    • Provide background on the client organization.
    • Provide a summary of the project.
  • Competency 3: Apply change management interventions.
    • Provide a project timeline.
  • Competency 5: Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing.
    • Write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

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Prepare a 1-2 page project proposal that provides the background on your selected client organization, a summary of the project, and a project timeline.

APA 604 words