Prescription Drugs are highly expensive and can lead to drug misuse/abuse

Prescription Drugs are highly expensive and can lead to drug misuse/abuse

I’m working on an argumentative essay with an issue in the US, and this is part of it that needs
to be completed. Please use your own words and do not copy from the internet.
Issue in the US: Prescription Drugs are highly expensive and can lead to drug misuse/abuse
First, do a preliminary environmental scan of your chosen issue. Browse:
Personal contacts
Professional Conferences/meetings
Rado, television, Internet
Social Media
Professional colleagues
Presidential Databases/Websites
Statements from Candidates, Lobbyists, & Critics
Step 2: Choose 1 source from Step 1 and paste the link in your response.
Step 3: Industry/Market

  • Technology
  • Regulatory
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Political
    Your argumentative research essay will ask you to explain how your chosen issue addresses
    the following 6 factors (be sure you have read the Environmental Scan article to get a good

For this discussion assignment, choose AT LEAST 3 of the 6 factors and explain how the link
you found in Step 1 addresses those factors. Address this in 1-4 paragraphs. Include the
following in your paragraph(s):

  • The main argument of your source from step 1
  • A specific quote/paraphrase from your chosen source with a proper MLA citation
  • An explanation of how that quote/paraphrase addresses your chosen factor

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Prescription Drugs are highly expensive

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