Prepare a 12-18 slide PowerPoint presentation giving leadership a roadmap for complying with employee relations laws and policies

Prepare a 12-18 slide PowerPoint presentation giving leadership a roadmap for complying with employee relations laws and policies

Assume the role of an HR consultant and prepare a 12-18 slide PowerPoint presentation giving leadership a roadmap for complying with employee relations laws and policies.


Besides the relationship with the employee, positive employee relations can trickle over into other areas of the business. According to Sathe (2017):

Fostering positive employee relationships does more than keep workers happy; it improves your bottom line. When you invest in employees, you’re guaranteed a return on that investment through increased employee engagement and productivity, better talent retention, and improved brand reputation. Organizations that focus on building positive employee relationships from within quickly realize a positive impact on every facet of the business – from recruiting to results.

A strong organizational culture includes investing in a set of values and ethics that determines how employees perceive and react to situations within the working environment. Within the employee relationship, positive employee relations can lead to an increase in production, retention, and overall satisfaction.

For this final assessment, you will explore and present ways to promote and maintain positive employee relationships and employee engagement while complying with employee laws and policies.


Sathe, S. (2017). The power of positive employee relationships: Realizing your ROI. Randstad Risesmart


This final assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of multiple workplace HR guidelines, strategies, and best practices. Select a company that you have knowledge of or that you have worked for recently or in the past. Assume that you are an HR consultant who has been hired to review the practices of your selected company. Your job is to present leadership with a roadmap to complying with numerous employee relations laws and policies.


Create a PowerPoint presentation, using detailed speaker notes or supplemental audio, that includes the following:

  • Describe best practices that promote positive employee relations and legal compliance.
    • Identify five HR practices, including one ADR (alternative dispute resolution) technique and one labor relations practice.
    • Identify employment laws and regulations that may impact the best practices.
  • Identify HR’s role in building a diverse and inclusive workplace environment.
    • Explain strategies for developing an employee psychological contract.
    • List ways that organizations can use these to promote communication and manage expectations.
  • Explain cultural, demographic, and social impacts on performance management.
  • Explain best practices that effectively manage workplace disputes.
  • Examine best practices that improve relationships between unions and organizational leadership.
    • How do these practices promote HR as a strategic employee relations partner?
  • Describe communication strategies for explaining and implementing workplace best practices.
    • How can organizations commit to developing positive employee relations? What active strategies should they employ?

Use 5–6 relevant and credible scholarly or professional resources such as the Wall Street Journal in your presentation.

Important Note: Select a PowerPoint template appropriate for a professional presentation. In addition to the content of the slides, include the supporting narrative in the speaker notes. Slide content should support your main points and ideas. Do not overbuild your slides; information that supports your main slide content should appear at the lower portion of each slide as speaker notes. As an option, you may record your narration and include it as audio within your PowerPoint presentation.

Refer to Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX] for helpful tips on designing and developing PowerPoint presentations.


Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 12–18 PowerPoint slides, including title and reference slides.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Validation and support: Use 5–6 relevant and credible scholarly or professional resources.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. See Evidence and APA.

Refer to the assessment scoring guide to ensure that you meet all criteria. To earn full points for each criterion, be sure to note the details on what constitutes distinguished performance.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Define the employee relations function of an organization and human resources’ role in its development.
    • Describe best practices that promote positive employee relations and legal compliance.
  • Competency 2: Analyze human resource practices that promote positive employee relations and legal compliance.
    • Identify HR’s role in building a diverse and inclusive workplace environment.
  • Competency 3: Explain the components of managing employee performance for organizational and personal success.
    • Explain cultural, demographic, and social impacts on workplace performance management.
  • Competency 4: Describe the grievance process, dispute resolution options, and protection of employees from retaliation.
    • Explain best practices that effectively manage workplace disputes.
  • Competency 5: Examine the impact of labor unions on employee-employer relationships.
    • Examine best practices that improve relationships between unions and leadership.
  • Competency 6: Communicate professionally with all stakeholders.
    • Describe communication strategies for explaining and implementing workplace best practices.
    • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.

Requirements: 12–18 PowerPoint slides, including title and reference slides

PHD Business

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