Post your initial response to the Discussion to provide an update on the progress you are making on your Health Promotion Program

Post your initial response to the Discussion to provide an update on the progress you are making on your Health Promotion Program

The answer should be short, this is just a build up to the main paper.

Post your initial response to the Discussion to provide an update on the progress you are making on your Health Promotion Program Proposal by responding to each of the following points:

  • Describe the community and target population you have identified.
  • Describe the program planning model you selected.
  • Explain your rationale for your selections.
  • Discuss quantitative and/or qualitative methods used to assess the health needs of your chosen community.
  • Describe your proposed strategies to identify program stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships.
  • Discuss your program mission, goals, and objectives.
  • Create and include a diagram of your logic model.
  • Discuss how your program will work.
  • Explain the analysis you conducted to select your chosen behavioral theory, intervention strategy, and program activity.

Requirements: all part answered

Masters Public Health

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Health Promotion Program

APA 1164 words

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