Create an annotated bibliography for at least three credible sources you plan to use for your final project.

Portfolio Milestone (30 Points)

Portfolio Milestone (30 Points)

OPTIONS 1 & 2: Portfolio Annotated Bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography for at least three credible sources you plan to use for your final project. You may use more than three sources if you like, and you can include sources that are not scholarly – the minimum requirement, however, is three credible sources.

  1. Click here  Links to an external site.for information about creating annotated bibliographies from the CSU Global Writing Center. For full credit, your annotated bibliography must be in the correct format, as shown by this link. Include a title page, but a separate reference page isn’t necessary.
  2. You will include three references from credible sources. The CSU Global Library (located in the course navigation panel to the left) is a good place to begin.
  3. Along with each reference in your bibliography, provide an annotation that:
    1. reviews the source’s information
    2. explains how it assisted with your analysis


  • Format your annotated bibliography and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center Links to an external site..
  • Your submission should be 2-3 pages long; remember that cover pages, abstracts, and bibliographies (or images you may use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite three credible sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library (located in the course navigation panel to the left) is a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric for grading details.


HSM320 Mod 5 PM

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequirements10 to >8.0 ptsMeets ExpectationIncludes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment.8 to >6.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationIncludes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment.6 to >4.0 ptsBelow ExpectationIncludes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment.4 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceIncludes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources / Examples5 to >4.0 ptsMeets ExpectationSources or examples meet required criteria and are well chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.4 to >3.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationSources or examples meet required criteria but are less‐than adequately chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.3 to >2.0 ptsBelow ExpectationSources or examples don’t meet required criteria and are poorly chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.2 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceSource or example selection and integration of knowledge from the course are clearly deficient.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates college-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style5 to >4.0 ptsMeets ExpectationProject is clearly organized, well written, and in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few errors in grammar and spelling.4 to >3.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationProject is fairly well organized and written and is in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Reasonably good sentence and paragraph structure; significant number of errors in grammar and spelling.3 to >2.0 ptsBelow ExpectationProject is poorly organized and does not follow proper format. Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; numerous errors in grammar and spelling.2 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceProject is not organized or well written and is not in proper format. Poor quality work; unacceptable in terms of grammar and spelling.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates proper use of APA style10 to >8.0 ptsMeets ExpectationProject contains proper APA formatting, according to the CSU Global resources on APA citation style, with no more than one significant error.8 to >6.0 ptsApproaches ExpectationFew errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global resources on APA citation style, with no more than two to three significant errors.6 to >4.0 ptsBelow ExpectationSignificant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global resources on APA citation style, with four to five significant errors.4 to >0 ptsLimited EvidenceNumerous errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global resources on APA citation style, with more than five significant errors.10 pts
Total Points: 3

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Create an annotated bibliography for at least three credible sources you plan to use for your final project.

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