Popular media has often played a powerful role in both shaping and reflecting socioeconomic, political, and cultural norms

Popular media has often played a powerful role in both shaping and reflecting socioeconomic, political, and cultural norms

Popular media has often played a powerful role in both shaping and reflecting socioeconomic, political, and cultural norms and discourses. For this assignment, you are asked to write an analytical essay of about 5 pages in length that explores the ways in which moving images such as films, television shows, cartoons, commercials, music videos, and/or other media have constructed certain ideologies of race and/or gender in U.S. society. Option 1: Please watch Soul Food (1997) https://linus.lmu.edu/record=b6000510~S1 and Tortilla Soup (2001) https://linus.lmu.edu/record=b6214120~S1 and formulate a specific essay topic on the ways in which racial and gender discourses have been constructed in these two films. They are both available digitally and can be accessed via your Hannon Library account. Option 2: You can formulate a topic of your choosing by focusing on one particular medium or using a mix of media. Please select specific examples to analyze. For instance, you might want to compare and contrast two films, study two or three episodes from a television series, evaluate the formation of gender-role expectations in the United States through a television commercial and a music video, or interrogate the construction of race in a few cartoons. Guidelines for both options: 1) Regardless of which option you choose, please keep in mind that the essay needs to have an introduction with a strong, specific thesis statement and a conclusion. 2) This is a formal analytical essay so please avoid using the first-person voice. The Guidelines for Writing Papers that I put together for you will be helpful in providing some general information and tips for crafting an analytical essay. This document is available in two places: at the end of the syllabus and listed as a stand-alone sub-module under Course Information. 3) Please do not merely summarize the media that you have chosen to examine but, instead, be specific in putting forth your arguments and situating your analyses within pertinent political, cultural, and/or socioeconomic contexts. In other words, what can the media examples you selected to explore tell us about U.S. racial and gender ideals during the time periods they were created? 4) When appropriate, please cite assigned readings from class to support your contentions. 5) Please submit your essay as a Word or PDF document and use the Chicago Manual of Style citation format: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html. I will accept everyone’s best effort with using the Chicago citation format. 6) This class satisfies the Studies in American Diversity (FDIV) requirement of the University Core Curriculum so the media examples you have chosen to analyze should enable you to examine issues of race and gender in the United States. You have access to LMU’s video streaming databases by signing into your account. Here is the link for it: https://libguides.lmu.edu/Streamingvideo. This is also listed under Helpful Resources in Course Information. Please note that Brightspace often is not able to sync up with the links that I provide for your convenience so please copy and paste them to a browser to facilitate access. Please feel free to ask me for suggestions and/or to go over ideas. I am always more than happy to help and to work with you!

Requirements: 5 pages   |   .doc file

i think it will ask you for a log in when you click on soul food or tortilla soup



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