People have different things that allow them to enter the Soul World momentarily. What brings you enough happiness to enter that plane in the Soul World?

People have different things that allow them to enter the Soul World momentarily. What brings you enough happiness

Preferred Format: APA
Number of Sources:
Number of Pages: 4
PowerPoint slides:
Preferred Spacing: Double spaced
Your Topic: UWA-Summer 1-2023-Discussion Forum Movie “Soul
Assignment Details: For this assignment, You must watch the Disney Movie “Soul”. (you may can find clips of the movie or the entire movie on YouTube). After watching the Disney movie “Soul” share your reflections to the following questions with regard to the movie.
1.      People have different things that allow them to enter the Soul World momentarily. What brings you enough happiness to enter that plane in the Soul World?
2.      What is something simple in life that you underappreciated?
3.      Who are you a positive voice for? Who can you be a positive voice for in the future?
4.      What is something you can appreciate in life now more than before after seeing this movie?

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Soul World momentarily

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