Over the years there has been a growing concern about the effects of mass immigration on crime, including terrorism

Over the years there has been a growing concern about the effects of mass immigration on crime, including terrorism

For Assignment 2, select one of the following two options:

Option 1:

Over the years there has been a growing concern about the effects of mass immigration on crime, including terrorism. According to President Trump, mass immigration could lead to more crime, including terrorist attacks, and other social and economic problems. President Trump argues that foreign-born terrorists who entered the country, either as immigrants or tourists, were responsible for 88 percent (or 3,024) of the 3,432 murders caused by terrorists on U.S. soil from 1975 through the end of 2015. Recent public opinion polls show that Americans are becoming more concerned about immigration too. According to a recent Roper poll, fifty-five percent of the respondents support a temporary moratorium on all legal immigration. A moratorium – a temporary freeze in immigration – may sound like a radical proposal, but President Trump argued that the hazards posed by foreign-born terrorists are large enough to warrant extreme actions like a moratorium on all immigration, among other things.

Therefore, in an effort to reduce illegal immigration (in order to reduce violent and property crime, and most importantly terrorism), President Trump decided to (1) build a wall on the US-Mexican border; (2) introduce temporary immigration moratorium; and (3) increase prison sentences for illegal immigration to five years in order to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country, and therefore reduce crime. President Trump assumes people are rational decision-makers, and he is basing his policies mainly on Deterrence Research, Rational Choice Theory and Situational Crime Prevention/Opportunity Theories, specifically on the following assumptions:

  • People are deterred from committing crime when there are severe punishments
  • Perceived threat of sanctions is inversely related to involvement in illegal behavior
  • Crime can be prevented by reducing opportunities
  • Reducing opportunities does not usually displace crime
  • Increase the perceived effort of crime will reduce crime

His administration is hiring you to assess whether President Trump’s assumptions are backed up by evidence and supported by research. They are asking you to provide scholarly research on one of the following issues: (1) Is building a wall a cost-effective long-term solution that will reduce illegal immigration and thus violent crime and terrorism? (2) Is temporary immigration moratorium a cost-effective long-term solution that will reduce illegal immigration and thus violent crime and terrorism? OR (3) Is increasing prison sentences for illegal immigration to five years a cost-effective long-term solution that will stop illegal immigrants from entering the country, and therefore reduce crime (most importantly terrorism)? What are the costs and benefits of the select policy? What other theoretical perspectives are not taken into consideration if the policy is implemented? The critique paper will be 1,000-1,200 words, excluding references. Both strengths and weakness of the theory and the policies should be addressed in depth and references to empirical studies and academic articles should be made. Refer to the assigned readings as well. Your critique papers must be submitted via Safe Assignment Blackboard.

Option 2:

Select three countries from the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) https://www.transparency.org/research/cpi/cpi . You can select CPI for any year you want. Pick one country ranked in the top one-third, one in the middle and one country ranked in the bottom one-third of the scale. Then select one transnational crime. Conduct research on the extend of the crime in the specific countries you selected and explain if the country is considered supply country, country of origin or destination country for the specific transnational crime. Create a table where you summarize the four most important conducive factors for the type of transnational crime you selected, in each of the three countries. Refer to the readings and discuss issues such as borders, economic standards and inequality, strategic location, trade, specific policies, population needs, corruption, etc. Below the table provide an essay where you explain in more details how you selected the four conducive factors for transnational crime (also provide references to academic sources and reports) and explain why you think these factors affect the illicit flows in the specific countries. If one of the countries you selected has no issues at all with the transnational crime of your choice then explain why is this the case and which factors deter offenders from entering specific markets in the country you selected. You are expected to provide a table and an essay of approximately 1,000-1,200 words, excluding references. This essay should not be an opinion piece but it should be based on scholarly research.

Avoid contractions (use “do not” rather than “don’t”); • Do not stereotype, generalize, or make assumptions. Sentences that start with “I feel” or “I believe” often signal unsupported statements; • Rely primarily on paraphrasing, not direct quotes. In scientific writing, paraphrasing an author’s ideas is more common than using direct quotes.

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effects of mass immigration on crime

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