OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organizations on a competitive basis through its Susan Harwood Training Grant Program

OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organizations on a competitive basis through its Susan Harwood Training Grant Program

Go to the CAA website:  http://www.caanj.org/ and provide the following information. This is a mock LOI so fill in the unknown with your best guestimate. Responses must be brief, no more than one paragraph. Page limit is 2 pages including this one; using 12pt font. Paperwork Burden – 30 minutes

Susan Harwood Training Grant Program
Program Overview

OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organizations on a competitive basis through its Susan Harwood Training Grant Program. Grants are awarded to provide training and education programs for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces and to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act.


Committee for the Advancement of Arboriculture (CAA) Letter of Inquiry

Targeted Topic Training

Training Topic: Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for the tree care industry

Audience: Youth 16-24, hard-to-reach, temporary/seasonal, and limited English proficiency workers in this high-hazard industry.

Name of Business Entity or Organization:

Organizations Website:

Applicant Name:

Applicant Email Address:

Applicant Phone Number:

Organization Mailing Address:

Name of Person Making inquiry:

Email address of person making inquiry:

Title of Person making Inquiry

Is your organization a 501 ( c) (3)?

Year established:

Organization’s Mission Statement:

Please Summarize the Work of the Organization:

Grant amount requesting:

Please tell us about your project vision, should you receive a Susan Harwood Training Grant.

What are the demographics of the population that will be served by the grant (ethnicity, age, and gender)?

What is the estimated amount of impact you’ll make, if provided with the grant?

Please describe the problem or community need that you are addressing when applying for this grant.

Please list your community partners:

Please provide the total number to be trained and your project timeline with specific dates.

Requirements: 1 page

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Susan Harwood Training Grant Program

APA 608 words

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