Option #2: Informed Consent, Duty to Warn, and Confidentiality

Option #2: Informed Consent, Duty to Warn, and Confidentiality

Option #1: Identifying Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical dilemmas can be challenging for Case Managers and might include conflicts of interest, duty to warn, agency conflicts, and more. Review each of the scenarios and address the following questions for your submission:

  • What is the ethical dilemma in the scenario?
  • Is there a way that this scenario could have been avoided?
  • How could this scenario impact your work as a Case Manager?
  • How could this scenario impact the agency that you work for?

Scenario One:

Bobbie is a 34-year-old woman who has been a client at Job and Family Services for a few weeks. She has several requirements set by the court that she must meet before she can gain custody of her children, ages 3 and 7. As residents in a rural community, there is often gossip being shared around town. Recently, in the grocery store, you heard two women talking about Bobbie losing custody of her children because of her ‘endless partying’. Since Bobbie is a new client that you do not know much about, you tell the two women you are working with Bobbie and ask if they can tell you more about Bobbie’s home environment and lifestyle.

Scenario Two:

As a hospital Case Manager, you have been called into a patient’s room by a nurse for a family meeting regarding the patient, 85 year old Amy. After speaking with two present family members, it is clear there is a disagreement about the next steps for Amy, who is now on life support after suffering a massive stroke. Medical examinations have shown that Amy will likely not be able to function on her own if life support is removed. Amy’s son wants to remove life support and let their mother die peacefully. The daughter does not want to remove life support and feels that their mom will eventually recover.   As the Case Manager, you are familiar with Amy since she has been in the hospital for a few weeks after having hip surgery. Your most recent conversation with her, prior to the stroke, involved her wishes to not be on life support and you were going to bring Advanced Directives documents to her room to document her healthcare wishes.  

Scenario Three:

Greg is a 67-year-old man who lives alone and has been receiving Meals on Wheels delivery to his home. As a Case Manager for the local Area Agency on Aging, you are making your quarterly home visit to check on him. While speaking with Greg, you notice that his home is not as clean as it usually is and that there are a few packages from uneaten meals laying around. When you ask Greg about them he shares that he has not been very hungry lately. After further discussion, Greg admits he misses his wife, who passed away last year, and that he has thought about killing himself using one of the guns he has available in his home. Greg has two sons that live in another state listed as his emergency contacts on his paperwork.  When you indicate that you are going to contact Greg’s sons as you are concerned about him, he becomes angry and demands you leave immediately.  Should you report Greg’s comments or leave and return next week to check on him?

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length and conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing CenterLinks to an external site.. Include at least two credible references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global LibraryLinks to an external site. is a good place to find these references.

Option #2: Informed Consent, Duty to Warn, and Confidentiality

After reading the scenario below, create a two-part essay which includes the following: 

In PART ONE of your paper, consider your role and the potential type of services that you may be offering or providing for your client.

In PART TWO of your paper, create a document that you can share with the client that includes informed consent, duty to warn, and confidentiality information. Include examples of scenarios of when it may be necessary to share the client’s information with others.


As a new Case Manager at the Brighton Shelter, your role involves meeting with residents who have been victims of domestic violence and are staying at the shelter either alone or with children. Residents are often involved with the legal system if criminal charges are filed against their attacker.  Jne’ is a new resident who came into the shelter last night and will be meeting with you later today.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length and conform to APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing CenterLinks to an external site.. Include at least two credible references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global LibraryLinks to an external site. is a good place to find these references.

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Option #2: Informed Consent, Duty to Warn, and Confidentiality

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