Option 1: Watch a movie that involves a medical ethics dilemma.

Option 1: Watch a movie that involves a medical ethics dilemma.

Your Topic: Ethics and the Media Project

Assignment Details: Choose one of the following options and complete each category in the rubric.

Option 1: Watch a movie that involves a medical ethics dilemma.
Option 2: Read a book that relates to a medical ethics dilemma.
Option 3: Watch an episode of a television show that contains a medical ethics dilemma.
Inability to adhere to the rubric will result in minimal points. Note: Plagiarism review software will be used.

Area of Evaluation

Full Points Description

Points Possible

Issue Summary/


In paragraph form, clearly, accurately and completely describe:

The source of your ethical dilemma (e.g., what movie, book, TV episode)
The ethical dilemma (what is happening that is a dilemma?)
All stakeholders and how they relate to the dilemma (who has “skin in the game,” and how?)
Both/all sides of the dilemma as it relates to the source (what are the viewpoints of what is happening?)

Critical Thinking

  1. In paragraph form, accurately and completely describe the single best outcome considering all stakeholders involved in the dilemma (out of the sides you already discussed, which is the best?). Include ethical theories (T), principles (P), concepts (C) and explain each T/P/C in the context of the single best outcome – not the other sides you previously discussed.
  2. Student should apply and BOLD 2 theories, 2 principles, and at least 2 concepts – in terms of the single best outcome. If a theory or principle does NOT apply, student should explain why the theory or principle does NOT apply – meaning you will still use 2 theories, 2 principles, and 2 concepts.
  3. Use the following scale of 1 (poor), 2 (ok), 3 (good), or 4 (great) to clearly, accurately and completely rate and explain:

How well the source conveys the dilemma (Is it realistic?)
(should be about 150-250 words)
The entertainment level of the source (Were you entertained?) (should be about 150-250 words)


& Grammar

  1. Paper needs to have the following headings:

Dilemma, Stakeholders, One Perspective, Other Perspective (or number if more than 2 perspectives), Best Outcome (with T/P/C bolded), Accuracy Rating, and Entertainment Rating.

  1. Paper looks professional readable, and organized (Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1” margins, double spaced, stapled).
  2. Paper is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  3. Paper should be 3-7 pages in length.

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources:

Number of Pages: 4

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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Watch a movie that involves a medical ethics dilemma.

APA 1300 words

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