Option #1: Research Proposal Using Life-Course Theory

Option #1: Research Proposal Using Life-Course Theory

Portfolio Project (300 Points)

Important! Read First

Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.

Option #1: Research Proposal Using Life-Course Theory

Throughout the course, you explored a variety of challenges that people face at different stages of their lives, as well as issues that are lifelong but have a unique impact at different stages. Your final research project will be a proposal to assist a population of your choice, making use of Life-Course Theory . You should also include details about the issues your chosen population might face and discuss the stakeholders necessary to assist you in bringing your proposal to fruition.

Choose a challenge or issue presented in the course or in your textbook that persists throughout a person’s life or has a strong impact at a particular age. This could be a health-related issue, such as sickle cell anemia or Alzheimer’s, a developmental issue, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder or Down syndrome, or a psychosocial issue such as parental neglect or domestic abuse. What age group are you focusing on – childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or elder years (65 years and older)? Consider choosing a population you would like to work with someday in a professional capacity.

Now, imagine you are a human services professional who specializes in working with individuals within your chosen population or impacted by your chosen issue. Examples include social workers, counselors, child life specialists, case management workers, healthcare workers, psychologists, and marriage and family therapists. In this research assignment, you will research your topic, apply what you have learned about a developmental theory, and consider the team working with this population.

For option 1, you will review your topic in the context of Life-course theory.

Preliminary Deliverables : These deliverables must be submitted in the assigned week:

  • Week 2: Topic Selection (20 points): Your first Milestone assignment outlines your topic selection and research plan. This is a 2-3 page essay indicating which assignment option and topic you have selected and why. Consider including questions for your instructor as an addendum (not counted as pages due) in order for you to get the best support in your research endeavors.
  • Week 5: Annotated Bibliography (30 points): Create an annotated bibliography for at least five scholarly sources you plan to use for your final project. You may use more than five sources if you like, and you can include sources that are not scholarly – the minimum requirement, however, is five scholarly sources.

Components of the Portfolio : In an essay 8-10 pages in length, address the following:

Provide an overview of Life-course theory and critically tie the theory to your topic and your chosen population.

Make sure you also have a clear understanding of the Human Services professional role you’ve chosen and explain how that position can serve your chosen population.

Provide detailed descriptions of your chosen population as well; if you wish, you may anonymously interview people from your chosen population to help you understand their needs; please note, however, that if you wish to interview human subjects, you must consult your instructor immediately . Do not proceed with interviews until you review with your instructor.

Other considerations to think about are which other human service and medical professionals might provide care to the population you are focusing on. Consider who is on the team and the role each individual will play. Which role would you choose and why?


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 8-10 pages long; remember that cover pages, abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external site.is a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric for grading details.

Option #2: Research Proposal Using Erikson’s Theory

Throughout the course, you have explored a variety of challenges that people face at different stages of their lives as well as issues that are lifelong, but have a unique impact at different stages. Your final research project will be a proposal to assist a population of your choice, making use of Erikson’s theory . You should also include details about the issues your chosen population might face and discuss the stakeholders necessary to assist you in bringing your proposal to fruition.

Choose a challenge or issue presented in the course or in your textbook that persists throughout a person’s life or has a strong impact at a particular age. This could be a health-related issue, such as sickle cell anemia or Alzheimer’s, a developmental issue such as Autism Spectrum Disorder or Down syndrome, or a psychosocial issue such as parental neglect or domestic abuse. What age group are you focusing on – childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or elder years (65 years and older)? Consider choosing a population you would like to work with someday in a professional capacity.

Now, imagine you are a Human Services professional who specializes in working with individuals within your chosen population or impacted by your chosen issue. Examples include social workers, counselors, child life specialists, case management workers, healthcare workers, psychologists, and marriage and family therapists. In this research assignment, you will research your topic, apply what you have learned about a developmental theory, and consider the team working with this population.

For option 2, you will review your topic in the context of Erikson’s theory.

Preliminary Deliverables : These deliverables must be submitted in the assigned week:

  • Week 2: Topic Selection (20 points): Your first Milestone assignment outlines your topic selection and research plan. This is a 2-3 page essay indicating which assignment option and topic you have selected and why. Consider including questions for your instructor as an addendum (not counted as pages due) in order for you to get the best support in your research endeavors.
  • Week 5: Annotated Bibliography (30 points): Create an annotated bibliography for at least five scholarly sources you plan to use for your final project. You may use more than five sources if you like, and you can include sources that are not scholarly – the minimum requirement, however, is five scholarly sources.

Components of the Portfolio : In an essay 8-10 pages in length, address the following:

Provide an overview of Erikson’s theory and critically tie the theory to your topic and your chosen population.

Make sure you also have a clear understanding of the Human Services professional role you’ve chosen and explain how that position can serve your chosen population.

Provide detailed descriptions of your chosen population as well; if you wish, you may anonymously interview people from your chosen population to help you understand their needs; please note, however, that if you wish to interview human subjects, you must consult your instructor immediately . Do not proceed with interviews until you review with your instructor.

Other considerations to think about are which other human service and medical professionals might provide care to the population you are focusing on. Consider who is on the team and the role each individual will play. Which role would you choose and why?


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 8-10 pages long; remember that cover pages, abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external site.is a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric for grading details.

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