One of the common problems faced by inmates released on parole is the ability to obtain employment

One of the common problems faced by inmates released on parole is the ability to obtain employment

For each question include at least one link to an internet site you researched to form your answer to that question. Insert “Question #” right in your text.

One of the common problems faced by inmates released on parole is the ability to obtain employment. There is a reluctance of businesses to hire former inmates. There have traditionally been requirements and a push to include questions about criminal records on employment applications. There is now a push to remove questions regarding the criminal history of the applicant on employment applications.

1. Should this requirement be removed from employment applications?

2. Would you feel comfortable hiring someone who has been to prison?

3. Should former inmates be able to be police officers or daycare workers?

4. Should employers who hire inmates be protected from lawsuits if they hire a former inmate who then harms a customer of that business?

5. Can we force employers not to ask about prior convictions and then blame that same employer when a former inmate hired by them harms a customer?

Provide your answer to all of these questions and your ideas and thoughts about these issues as a customer and a potential employer. Describe some of the possible problems and concerns for these issues. Be specific, detailed, and explain your concerns or approval of these ideas.

Requirements: 2 paragraphs

Criminal Justice

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ability to obtain employment

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