Now that you’ve covered the main stages of the Writing Process, it’s worth revisiting each to remember the function they serve

Now that you’ve covered the main stages of the Writing Process, it’s worth revisiting each to remember the function they serve

Part 1:

The Writing Process

Now that you’ve covered the main stages of the Writing Process, it’s worth revisiting each to remember the function they serve You can go back to the reading for Week 2 for a refresher on the process.

Consider the following stages we’ve read about:

  1. Brainstorming/Pre-writing
  2. Audience Analysis
  3. Thesis Statements
  4. Drafting
  5. Revision/Editing

Of these stages, which do you find the easiest? Which is the most difficult for you?

What tools, tips, and tricks can you offer peers who are weak in the area you are strong?

At least 200 to 250 words

Part 2:

Assignment Instructions

This week, you will perform scholarly research about a current event in Nursing. Here are some ideas:

  • Nursing compensation
  • Staffing ratios
  • Mandatory overtime
  • Patient and staff safety
  • Ethical dilemmas (euthanasia, genomics, etc.)

Find 2–3 scholarly, academic resources about the issue you have selected. Review your text to ensure the source meets the standard for academic writing.

In a document, provide the following for EACH source:

  • Summarize the source you have found (1-2 paragraphs).
  • Critically analyze the article (3-4 paragraphs):
    • Is the article recent?
    • Is the information current?
    • Is the writing unbiased, or does it contain biased language? Use examples.
    • What is the strongest point in the article? Provide quote which supports your choice.
    • Where is the article the weakest? Provide a quote which supports your choice.

Your document should be in APA format:

Links to an external site.

Requirements: 500   |   .doc file

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stages of the Writing Process

APA 291 words

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