My internal research proposal will be over Justin Keiter’s Law Firm with the intended audience

My internal research proposal will be over Justin Keiter’s Law Firm with the intended audience

Background Information for clarity:
My internal research proposal will be over Justin Keiter’s Law Firm with the intended audience
being more specifically directed to the Owner/Staff of the firm. The intended audience can also
be directed to anyone who is in the process of growing their own practice/firm as well as anyone
else who cares to see. The topic I will be focusing on specifically will be fundamental but
effective marketing strategies for social media and brand growth. I am trying to enhance
marketing for Justin’s newly built private criminal law firm.
Overview: This proposal will outline the research you would like to complete in order to write
the Recommendation Report.

  • Assess a problem or goal to determine possible courses of action
  • Create written documents that respond to the specific needs of their rhetorical situations
    and accommodate diverse audiences.
  • Apply the qualities of an effective argument and utilize persuasive rhetorical tools
  • Devise a plan for determining the best course of action which includes both primary and
    secondary research.
  • Compose technical documents through the use of process-based writing.
  • Design readable and effective documents by identifying and applying conventional
    document formatting and principles of document design in the appropriate ways.
  • Apply the conventions of professional writing to original technical documents, leading to
    clarity and the choice and use of appropriate purpose, style, and expectations of
    professional English including grammatical correctness and appropriate word choice.
  • Evaluate sources based on principles of good research.
  • Incorporate pertinent information from primary and secondary sources using a variety of
    research and technological tools into documents for technological and business
    Using a correct memo format, write a 1250-1500 word Internal Research Proposal. This
    proposal is addressed to the specific real-person audience (with name(s)) who could make a
    decision about your research). Include three credible and relevant sources
    Your purpose is to present a reasonable case for further research towards a solution and NOT
    to present a specific solution. You will be proposing research tasks that you will actually
    complete with a team if your team chooses your proposal, so choose a project size and
    research tasks with that in mind!
    Finally, remember that when you are creating your tasks and coming up with your schedule, you
    will be working with a team. Include time for creating materials.
    Use either MLA or APA formatting for any sources you use here and throughout the paper
    including both in-text citations and a Works Cited/References section. (If you use MLA, you

should call the citations at the end “Works Cited,” and if you use APA, you should use
“References.” Don’t use both!).
Proposal Organization: You Should include the following sections and headings

  1. Purpose. One or two sentences stating the purpose of the Proposal. This is the only
    section where the heading is optional. It may start directly after the page header.
  2. Summary. One paragraph that summarizes the entire document. It should not contain
    any information that is not also elsewhere.
  3. Introduction. This section is the true beginning of the proposal. The first sentence
    should not assume that the reader has read anything before it. This section should
    clearly identify your research question/research aim— what is it that you will be finding
    out in order to make a recommendation to your audience?
  4. Proposed Tasks. This section describes your proposed research plan and identifies
    your research objectives You should have 5-7 total research-based tasks separated into
    subheadings. These tasks should be listed in chronological order.
    a. The Level-2 headings should start with strong verbs that relate to the research
    objective, NOT to the methodology (your headings should not start with research,
    survey, interview, etc. Instead, consider using determine, assess, examine,
    compile, etc.)
    b. Despite what some samples may do, you should NOT include “Compose
    Recommendation Report” (or anything similar) as your final task.
    c. For each task, include the word “Task” and the task number, followed by a colon
    and the task heading/title.
  5. Schedule. This section should be formatted as a bar chart (sometimes called a Gantt
    chart). The schedule should end with the research tasks OR the submission of the
    Recommendation Report.
  6. Qualifications/Experience. This section explains why you are the most suited to
    execute this project. Choose either heading (not both), depending on whether you focus
    on transferable skills (Qualifications) or previous experience (Experience) in this
    paragraph. The majority of the paragraph should focus on your qualifications
  7. Works Cited/References. This section provides full bibliographic information for any
    sources used in the proposal. Use the appropriate title of the section
    accordingly—Works Cited for MLA and References for APA.
    NOTE: For EVERY source in this section, there needs to be a corresponding in-text citation in
    the proposal.
    Requirements when using the three credible and relevant sources:
  • Credible sources may be scholarly or they may be popular sources from a reputable
    source such as a professional organization, government organization, respected news
    organization or trade magazine. Your sources should be evaluated for bias, relevance,
    accuracy, and currency.
  • These sources might help establish the existence of the problem/need or the value of
    the goal. They might provide background information about the audience/organization.

Usually at least one should address general theory/researched knowledge/best practices
that may apply to the situation.

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My internal research proposal

APA 1441 words

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