Module 4: Illicit Trafficking, Organized Crime, and Criminal Subcultures. The case study of Mexico

Module 4: Illicit Trafficking, Organized Crime, and Criminal Subcultures. The case study of Mexico

Module 4: Illicit Trafficking, Organized Crime, and Criminal Subcultures. The case study of Mexico

This Module discusses the relationship between culture, organized crime and drug use in Mexico. The various studies focus on relationships between illicit drug trafficking and crime spaces and territories, political corruption, violence, “back businesses,” neighborhood culture as well as elaborate culture of syndicates and alternative justice, and juvenile recruitment. This Module explains the role of popular media in glamourizing organized crime and the pop culture’s fascination with opioid addiction that has fueled negative stereotypes, creating a form of “narcotic apartheid.” The Module provides examples of organized crime activities that have become so commonly accepted that they have generated their own sub-cultural style, including music & folklore.

Required Readings

Required Readings

Module 4: Assignment 2

In order to prepare for this Assignment read the required readings to gain understanding of multi-facet and complex role of culture in organized crime in Mexico. This case study is especially valuable as you will find a lot of recent and relevant research conducted in this area. Next,  think about other specific mafia/organized crime phenomena that have been extensively discussed in the media in recent years. Elaborate on the various cultural attributes linked to the group/organization you selected and the different ways in which culture (traditional or pop) has been deemed accountable for some of the group characteristics and/or has contributed to the glamourization/exaggeration of the specific crime group.

For this task you are required to do a Nexus Lexus search using specific search words related to the group you study (e.g., Russian mafia and culture, Mexican cartels and culture, Albanian mafia and culture, Nigerian organized crime and culture, Amish Mafia and culture, MS13 and culture, Bloods and Crips and culture, etc.). Examine carefully at least 30 relevant publications that your specific search deliver (note: many of the newspaper articles will be approximately one page or less). Study the content of the newspaper articles (and government/official reports) and identify the main 3-4 emerging themes related to the group you studied.

  • What are some most common themes that emerge in the newspaper/government reports you studied? (Topics related to violence, group structure, secrecy, ethnic homogeneity, membership affiliations, language/codes, stereotypes, race, gender, honor, etc. are of interest.
  • How are these groups depicted in the media and government reports?
  • What role does culture play in this context?
  • Are some of these groups admired?
  • Has culture in any way contributed to the growth/status of these criminal organization?

After identifying 3-4 themes, please state your opinion as to whether you believe the media depiction of the phenomenon you studied is accurate or exaggerated/sensationalized. In what ways do you think some ethnic stereotypes have affected people and criminalize their movement, making them more vulnerable?

Your research papers should be approximately 1,200 words +/- 10%, excluding references. This essay should not be purely an opinion piece but it should be based on scholarly research as indicated above (content analysis of media accounts).

Provisional structure:

  • Intro and brief description of the group/phenomenon you selected to study
  • Methods (explain the type of search you conducted, including search words, and results)
  • Main Findings and Analysis (describe the main emerging themes you discovered and provide some examples)
  • Discussion (discuss the various cultural themes you discovered and include your views about the role of culture in the media depiction of certain groups)

APA format, Times New Roman 12, one inch margin all around and double space would be fine.

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Illicit Trafficking

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