methodologies of anthropological, sexological, and scientific approaches to human sexuality

methodologies of anthropological, sexological, and scientific approaches to human sexuality

Essay Assignment 1 will address the methodologies of anthropological, sexological, and scientific approaches to human sexuality, as well as the cultural biases that are often implicit in popular ideas of sexuality.

Minimum 550 words (approximately 2 pages double spaced not including cover and reference pages) total.APA style; 12 pt. Times New Roman font; 1 inch margins.

Please use your own words/ideas. Cited text will not count towards your grade. Plagiarism will result in 0 points and referral to administration.

Answer all three questions:

  1. Define the terms biological sexgender identity, and gender expression. Provide examples for each one. How are they similar or different?
  2. Discuss at least two social scientific approaches to researching sex, gender and sexuality across cultures and time.
  3. Summarize key cultural biases in mainstream/popular ideas of sexuality in the US and discuss how social scientific approaches might address these ideas/biases.

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methodologies of anthropological

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