Mental Health on Adolescence/College Students in Northern Virginia

Mental Health on Adolescence/College Students in Northern Virginia

Topic: Mental Health on Adolescence/College Students in Northern Virginia

I will add Paper #1 to give you insight on what we’ve been talking about

You are to write 3-4 pages explaining what community health measures are occurring and resources that exist to address your specific community health issue. The goal is to assess what is currently being done to mediate the situation. Here are the details as to what your paper is to address…

Paper 2 In your paper answer:

  1. Organizations (30 points)
    1. Name organizations that are involved in trying to alleviate/fix the issue.
      1. Include at least four organizations: two community organization (in your communities) and two others such as a government, non-government (NGOs), and non-profit organization. (Review Chapter 2 of your text to identify different types of organizations.)
      2. Provide the contact information of the organization (address, phone, and website; you may have to search for the address and phone).
      3. Fully describe what are these organizations trying to do to help with the health issue and how are they going about doing it (in your own words – don’t cut and past the mission statement or goals but those are good for you to read!)
  2. Articles (30 points)
    1. Find three articles that appeared in the newspaper during the past three to six months (not beyond) that addresses your topic. Be sure the national newspaper is reputable such as Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Reuters, BBC, US News and World Report, etc. There are a variety of local and state newspapers to choose from. (make sure its a newspaper article)
      1. Find one that address it at a local level, one at the community or state level, and one at the national level.
      2. For each article:
        1. Identify its level (local, state, or national).
        2. In your references at the end of the paper, provide the citation for each article in APA format. Remember to go to…if needed.
        3. Summarize each article in 4-6 sentences (in your own words!).
  3. Logistics (40 points): a. Remaining 40 points are granted for the following (10 points each): i. meeting specifications regarding the assignment’s organization, ii. conventions, iii. requirements, and iv. overall college-effort according to the assignment rubric posted on Canvas.

Reminders: See Tips for All Assignments


• Title of the Project

• Names of Group Members (with last names)

• Group Number

• Course Name & Section

• Date


  • Write in paragraphs with subheaders
  • Times new roman font
  • 12 pt. font
  • Standard 1 in margins
  • Double spaced
  • Include page numbers
  • Justify your response with publications (at least three publications in APA format)
  • Include Reference section (see…
  • References are to be listed alphabetically
  • Indent second lines (not first)
  • Check with librarian if you are not sure how to reference.
  • Put information into your own words; do not copy and paste text
  • If you use a quote, include reference and a page number
  • References with more than six authors are treated differently
  • Organizations can be authors.
  • Conduct spelling and grammar checks

Requirements: 3-4

Subject: Health & Medical

I have good news! My partner is doing 1. Organizations so you’ll only have to do 2. Articles and 3.Logistics !!

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Mental Health

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