issues and trends in nursing are the importance of evidence-based practice and interprofessional collaboration

issues and trends in nursing are the importance of evidence-based practice and interprofessional collaboration

Discussion 1

The two takeaways I have learned from this course about issues and trends in nursing are the importance of evidence-based practice and interprofessional collaboration. Evidence-based practice uses it evidence to support clinical decisions and nursing interventions. This is important because it enables nurses to provide the best care possible. Knowing how to access and interpret the research is essential for nurses to practice evidence-based care. Interprofessional collaboration is another critical issue and trend in nursing. This involves collaborating with other health professionals, such as physicians, social workers, and pharmacists. Collaboration is essential because it enables nurses to provide comprehensive patient care. Nurses must be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of other healthcare providers and be willing to work together to provide the best care as a team-work for their patients. These two takeaways will be invaluable for my future practice as a professional nurse. as a nurse can use evidence-based practice to provide evidence-based care and collaborate with other health professionals to provide comprehensive care. These skills will help me to provide my patients with the best care possible (J Med Libr Assoc., 2019).

 Discussion 2

Hello, Class; we have learned great topics this term. The topic I want to emphasize that made an impact on me this term is learning more about nursing culture and learning the importance of evidence-based practice. Workplace culture in nursing is so important to the nurses because it includes the satisfaction rates on the floors, staff retention, and patient outcomes (Nursing workplace culture, 2007).  If the nurse’s culture does not align with the organization’s vision, values, and habits, nurses may feel set up for failure (Nursing workplace culture, 2007). Nursing is a group effort. Which ties into why evidence-based practice is so important because it aims to provide the best care possible, which helps improve patient outcomes. What I’ve taken from this term is to know how to deliver high-quality patient care and know that your environment can affect your nursing practice. And improving that can decrease the rates of burn out, which leads to patient satisfaction (Nursing workplace culture, 2007).

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issues and trends in nursing

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