Interview (in person, face to face) a leader relevant to the designated specialty role of choice (e.g. Nursing Director, Nursing Professor

Interview (in person, face to face) a leader relevant to the designated specialty role of choice (e.g. Nursing Director, Nursing Professor

I already have the person that you will talk about, I will attach his resume. He is a nurse practitioner and the owner of Nova Medical Services, a clinic in Miami, United States.


Nurse Leader Interview Paper Instructions

Interview (in person, face to face) a leader relevant to the designated specialty role of choice (e.g. Nursing Director, Nursing Professor, Nurse Entrepreneur, or the equivalent in an organization that would hire a Master of Science prepared nurse (Advanced Practice Nurse) in your specialty. The nurse leader interview will be developed into an APA formatted paper. Prior to developing the nurse leader interview paper, students must obtain written permission via email from the nurse leader being interviewed and attach it to the paper.

The paper will begin with a brief introduction of the leader being interviewed and will proceed to the questions asked and answers received. Additionally, the paper will need to conclude with a summary of the interview process. This information will address such elements as your critical analysis and evaluation of the interview process, professional status and development, and future leadership goals within an organization.

You will incorporate both the assignment-required questions, as well as critically developed questions of your own creation. You may, if permitted, audio-tape/digitally record the interview so that you may progress through the interview in a timely manner and actively participate in the discussion (this is not possible if you are trying to write the conversation down as it occurs).

The paper will be written in 7th edition APA format. The paper length requirement is 3-4 pages without counting the front page and reference page.

Nurse Leader Interview Paper Criteria and Outline

Introduction (Level Heading): Present an introduction for the interview conducted, including a brief biography of the interviewee and the organization represented. Explain why this individual was chosen for the interview in light of your selected nursing specialty role.

A Learning Conversation (Level Heading): State each question you posed along with the interviewee’s responses. The questions should include (but NOT be limited to) each topical area delineated below:

Determine from the interviewee what are the mission/vision/ goals of the organization.

Describe the interviewee’s expectations of an advanced practice nurse- a leader within his, or her specialty.

Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes for the Bachelor of Science prepared nurse to academically excel at the advanced practice nursing level and transition to a nurse leader in this organization.

Develop at least 5 additional, relevant questions that serve to further your understanding of critical elements as related to successful specialty role transition within the specific organization.

The conversation should be well organized in terms of categories of questions sharing a similar focus and should be presented in such a way as to be helpful to other individuals attempting to transition into new specialty nursing roles within similar types of organizations.

Note: This is NOT a “job interview.”the student is a self-invited guest interviewing the organizational leader. Questions about such items as salary, benefits, job opportunities, etc. are not appropriate.

Reflection and Follow-Up (Level Heading): This information will address such elements as your critical analysis and evaluation of the interview process including (but not limited to) what you would do differently. Please include resultant plans (post-interview) for professional development and pursuit of future nurse leader opportunities.

Summary (Level Heading): Summarize the key points of the conversation as each relates to the interviewee’s chosen nursing leadership-specialty role and how a prospective nurse leader could make a successful transition to such a role within the selected nurse leader’s organization.

Requirements: 3-4 pages without counting the front page and reference page.

Masters Nursing

The name of the person is Dr Ivan Canas, DNP, APRN, he is the owner of Nova Medical Services, a clinic in Miami, Florida, United States. In the clinic he works as a primary doctor and treats elderly people. He graduated as a nurse in 2010. Just to give you an explanation of the person we will talk about. You won’t find information on internet, you have to made it up.

Thank you!

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Nursing Professor

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