Inter-colonial conflicts in Canada and Acadia were driven less by imperial agendas than by local circumstances. Discuss.

Inter-colonial conflicts in Canada and Acadia were driven less by imperial agendas than by local circumstances. Discuss.

Assignment 3: Short Essay

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Do around 875 words

This essay assignment is based on the material in Units Six through Ten and it should be sent to your Open Learning Faculty Member once you have finished Unit Twelve. It will be marked out of a total of 100 marks and contributes 20 per cent toward your final grade for the course.

Your assignment must be your work. In addition, you must give credit where credit is due: Cite all sources of both direct quotations and borrowed ideas. If you do not, you could fail your assignment and possibly the course.

Be sure your assignment is the requested length. It does not have to be within the range of words specified, but it must be close. You will be penalized for too few or too many words.

Write a well-organized essay of 750–1000 words on ONE of the following topics. Please be sure to clearly identify your essay topic at the beginning of your essay. You are expected to use relevant evidence from your Canadian History: Pre-Confederation textbook, the video presentations by Canadian historians, and from the readings in Units Six to Ten. Feel free to use other articles from the Recommended Readings lists in the course or textbook.

Choose ONE of the following topics:

  1. Relations between the French and Aboriginal peoples from 1608 to 1760 were based on a principal of mutual benefit and not exploitation. Discuss.
  2. Inter-colonial conflicts in Canada and Acadia were driven less by imperial agendas than by local circumstances. Discuss.
  3. The colonial experience of Newfoundland to 1830 is completely distinct from that of the mainland French and British colonies. Discuss.
  4. The emergence of fur trade society in the West and the North was necessary to the success of the fur trade and Aboriginal economies. Discuss.
  5. What were the principal sources and causes of economic growth in BNA between ca.1800 and ca.1860 and to what extent did most British North Americans benefit?

Requirements: 875


user: t00738826

pass : Quarterback514

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Inter-colonial conflicts

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