Marty is in fifth grade at Egerton Elementary. Each year since kindergarten, Marty has struggled with keeping up with his homework.

In what ways do you think Marty’s academic learning and peer relationships may be affected by his diagnosis of ADHD?

OPTION #1: Developmental Case Study: ADHD

The experience of early education includes some of the most important impacts in a child’s life, both academically and socially. For this Critical Thinking Assignment option, imagine you are the school counselor at an elementary school. Consider the following scenario.

Marty is in fifth grade at Egerton Elementary. Each year since kindergarten, Marty has struggled with keeping up with his homework, organizing his notes and belongings, and paying attention in class. His teachers often catch him staring off into space during lessons. When the class is given an assignment to work on independently, Marty talks to others or fidgets with objects on his desk instead. Other students are beginning to avoid him because he often dominates the conversation and doesn’t listen. Marty was recently diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. You have learned about Marty’s situation because both his teacher and his parents have asked you for help and advice regarding this diagnosis and how to accommodate Marty. You are also concerned about his falling grades and how few friends he has.

Based on the course material this week and your own research on the topic, write an essay that addresses the following points:

  1. In what ways do you think Marty’s academic learning and peer relationships may be affected by his diagnosis of ADHD?
  2. Are there actions the teacher and/or school should take to help Marty succeed in school?
  3. What advice can you share with Marty’s parents?
  4. Please identify at least one resource that may be useful to them outside the realm of medical intervention. (Medical intervention wouldn’t be in your wheelhouse as a school counselor.)


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages long; remember that cover pages, abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric for grading details.

OPTION #2: Developmental Case Study: Electronic Media

The experience of early education includes some of the most important impacts in a child’s life, both academically and socially. For this Critical Thinking Assignment option, imagine you are the school counselor at an elementary school. Consider the following scenario.

Megan is in fifth grade at Egerton Elementary. Megan has just gotten a cell phone of her own and is having trouble putting it away at school. At home, it is hard for her to stop using it long enough to complete her homework. Between being in touch with her friends through texts and on social media, using apps on the phone, and playing video games, she is now spending increasingly more time on electronics. Her grades are beginning to suffer, her friends are tired of being contacted so often and are beginning to pull away, and Megan is missing out on other aspects of life. Her parents think things will improve on their own once the novelty of her new phone wears off. You have learned about Megan’s situation because she recently got into a physical fight with another girl and was sent to the office to see you. You are concerned about the academic and social changes you are seeing in Megan.

Based on the required material and your own research on the topic, write an essay that addresses the following points:

  1. In what ways do you think Megan’s academic learning and peer relationships are impacted by the overuse of her new cell phone?
  2. Are there actions the teacher and/or school should take to help Megan succeed in school?
  3. What advice can you share with Megan’s parents? Please identify at least one resource that may be useful to them.


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages long; remember that cover pages,abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric for grading details.

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Marty is in fifth grade at Egerton Elementary

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