In this week’s discussion post, consider the rapidly expanding use of social media and virtual communities

In this week’s discussion post, consider the rapidly expanding use of social media and virtual communities

1. In this week’s discussion post, consider the rapidly expanding use of social media and virtual communities as reported by the Pew report. Reflect on Wenger’s concept of building communities of practice in education and various work environments, and Riva & Cipresso’s chapters on cyberpsychology related to engagement in online networked communities.

  • What do you feel are the most relevant features of online communities, per the definitions offered?
  • Choose two chapters from Riva & Cipresso: compare and contrast the features and effects of those online communities.
  • Locate one additional article that discusses the structure and effects of a “community of practice” or “online community” in education, business, government, medicine, or another setting: offer a synopsis of what you learn from the article/study.

2. Set aside about 30 minutes to learn how you can apply SEL principles using tools like minecraft.

When you completed the mini-workshop, post some reflections on the experience.

Requirements: any   |   .doc file

Question 1 readings:

Social Media Fact Sheet . Pew Research Center. 2021. Available at:

Wenger, Etienne Communities of practice: A brief introduction

(choose two chapters) Riva, G., Wiederhold, B. K., & Cipresso, P. (2016). The psychology of social networking vol. 2 : Identity and relationships in online communities. Walter de Gruyter GmbH. –  file attached

Mattson, K. (2017). Digital citizenship in action : Empowering students to engage in online communities. International Society for Technology in Education.

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use of social media and virtual communities

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