In this assignment, you will reflect on the role of families in the assessment of early childhood learners served in special education.

In this assignment, you will reflect on the role of families in the assessment of early childhood learners served in special education.

Reflecting on Family Involvement in Assessment

Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 5.

Family engagement supports school readiness and academic success, and it is a critical element of early childhood education.

In this assignment, you will reflect on the role of families in the assessment of early childhood learners served in special education.

  • Create a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for the paper.

Respond to each of the three prompts in 1 or 2 well-developed paragraphs. Cite readings from this course and/or peer-reviewed references that you find in your own research.

  1. Reflect on ways that family involvement can be integrated into standardized or formal assessments.
  2. Reflect on ways that family involvement can be integrated into informal or teacher-created assessments.
  3. What are strategies you can use to celebrate the growth and success of children with their families?

Please read the Assignment GuidelinesLinks to an external site. before you begin working.


Master’s Reflection Rubric v.3

Master’s Reflection Rubric v.3
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection on Course Content: Connections to Experience20 to >16.9 pts Mastery A. Demonstrated strong relationships between prior experience and new information. B. Provided strong examples of relationships between prior experience and new information. 16.9 to >13.9 pts Marginal A. Demonstrated marginal relationships to experience and new information. B. Provided marginal examples of relationships between prior experience and new information. 13.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Demonstrated limited relationships between prior experience and new information. B. Provided limited to no examples of relationships to experience and new information. 0 pts No submission20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf-Assessment25 to >21.24 pts Mastery A. Clearly conveyed new insights about self and achievement of course/program/academic outcomes. B. Provided a critical analysis of personal and professional growth during the course. C. Clearly articulated strengths and challenges. D. Included specific examples to support self-assessment. 21.24 to >17.4 pts Marginal A. Conveyed marginal insights about self and achievement of course/program/academic outcomes. B. Addressed some personal and professional growth during the course. C. Identified some strengths and challenges. D. Provided minimal examples to support self-assessment. 17.4 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Demonstrated little to no insight about self and achievement of course/program/academic outcomes. B. Personal and professional growth was not addressed. C. Identified minimal strengths and challenges. D. Few to no examples are provided to support self-assessment. 0 pts No submission25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTransfers to New Situations25 to >21.24 pts Mastery A. Demonstrated transferability of course concepts. B. Provided clear examples of applied learning to new situations or within current role to enhance performance. C. Adapted or applied skills and/or competencies gained to yield new insights or new applications. 21.24 to >17.4 pts Marginal A. Marginally demonstrated transferability of course concepts. B. Provided some examples of applied learning to new situations or within current role to enhance performance. C. Marginally adapted or applied skills and/or competencies gained to yield new insights or new applications. 17.4 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Demonstrated limited transferability of course concepts. B. Provided few examples of applied learning to new situations or within current role to enhance performance. C. Little or no evidence of adapted or applied skills and/or competencies gained to yield new insights or new applications. 0 pts No submission25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness10 to >8.4 pts Mastery A. Met instructions by including all elements of the assignment. 8.4 to >6.9 pts Marginal A. Majority of work was completed. 6.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Minimal work was completed. B. Multiple key pieces were omitted or lacked depth. 0 pts No submission10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Writing10 to >8.4 pts Mastery A. Exceeded or met formal writing standards. B. Demonstrated correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling. 8.4 to >6.9 pts Marginal A. Marginally met a basic level of formal writing standards. B. Demonstrated inconsistent use of grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling. 6.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Demonstrated limited basic formal writing skills. B. Demonstrated difficulty with grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling. 0 pts No submission10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format10 to >8.4 pts Mastery A. Demonstrated near-perfect APA formatting. 8.4 to >6.9 pts Marginal A. Demonstrated marginally correct APA formatting. 6.9 to >0.0 pts Needs Improvement A. Demonstrated limited correct APA formatting. 0 pts No submission10 pts
Total Points: 100

Requirements: as needed   |   .doc file

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