In this assignment, we will begin to learn how give and receive meaningful and useful peer review.

In this assignment, we will begin to learn how give and receive meaningful and useful peer review.

Begin Learning about Peer Review

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In this assignment, we will begin to learn how give and receive meaningful and useful peer review.

Being able to give, receive, and act upon peer review is a crucial skill for any writer. Providing peer review not only makes you a better writer but also a better reader and learner. By reading and commenting on your classmates’ drafts, you learn about their ideas and their approaches to a particular assignment. You also serve as a reader, a useful “sounding board” for their material. No writer can know whether what they produced is effective until someone else has read it and commented on it.

As you will learn from the reading below, peer review is not the same as grading or assessing. I am not asking you to evaluate your classmates’ work–that is my job and we are not there yet with this project anyway. I am asking you instead to read, listen, and help them develop their ideas further. As you will learn from the readings and the video in this assignment, your role as a peer review is to provide both praise for what works and constructive suggestions for what does not. It is much more than just saying “your paper is good” or “your paper is bad.”

As a teacher, I place a great deal of importance on learning through peer review, and therefore I will take your performance on the peer review assignments and your willingness to learn to be a better reviewer very seriously. I expect you to take peer review assignments seriously, too and to, hopefully, find some benefit in them.

In this assignment, you will not actually be doing the peer review yet. Instead, you will begin learning about it and how to get better at it. The assignment is a discussion board post based on one video and one reading. Watch the video first, several times, if necessary, then read the article, also several times, if necessary, and write about 300 words addressing the following questions:

  • what new ideas about peer review (its nature, reasons for doing it, techniques for doing it, etc.) did you encounter in the video and the article?
  • how do these new ideas compare to your previous understanding and your previous experiences with giving or receiving peer review?
  • what specific peer review techniques mentioned in these sources are new to you?

Video: Noone Writes Alone (MIT):

Article: “Responding–Really Responding–to Student Writing,” Links to an external Rick Straub (pdf)

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learn how give and receive meaningful and useful peer review

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