In Dr. Snell’s conversation about Mental Health Courts, he describes the fundamental change in the way defendant’s are dealt with in this court

In Dr. Snell’s conversation about Mental Health Courts, he describes the fundamental change in the way defendant’s are dealt with in this court


In Dr. Snell’s conversation about Mental Health Courts, he describes the fundamental change in the way defendant’s are dealt with in this court setting. In the readings and videos for this unit, there are similar fundamental differences…from policing to corrections…in how we are dealing with mental health issues impacting the criminal justice system.

After completing all of the readings, watching the videos, and finally viewing Dr. Snell’s video presentation consider these changes and lessons learned (make sure to read the BJA article associated with mental health courts).

In an essay, describe:

  • What was not working in all three of these criminal justice settings…policing, courts, and corrections…that caused practitioners in each of these to alter their approaches to those with mental health issues coming into contact with the criminal justice system?
  • What were the commonalities among the solutions identified; or in other words, even though they are very different components of the CJ system, what are the common themes of the changes in approach among the three (how are they similar)?
  • What needs to be further done to train CJ professionals, to further change the way our system deals mental health issues, and
  • How do we as CJ professionals educate the public to maintain support and understanding of this new reality in our communities?

write your responses in 3 well-crafted pages, and make sure to refer to the readings and videos in this Unit. Use APA format for citations or sources used.

To Do

Attached Files:

Reading / Videos (nearly all of these are very short -watch or read them all) :

  • Chapter 2 Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System and Insanity Defense (textbook pages 56-59)
  • Chapter 12 Civil Commitment (textbook pages 327-328)


Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT’s)

Jails and Mental Health

IMPORTANT….THE “HOW” for many circumstances……”Active Listening Skills”

For more information about the National Alliance for Mental Illness who partners with agencies above :

Requirements: 3 pages

Masters Criminal Justice

this the text book

Criminal (In) Justice, A Critical Introduction (2nd Edition) by Aaron Fichtelberg, Sage Publishing, 2022. (Either Paperback or E-textbook are fine)

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Mental Health Courts

APA 1060 words

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