In any epidemiological study, the design and methodology used should be appropriate for that study and for the research question

In any epidemiological study, the design and methodology used should be appropriate for that study and for the research question


In any epidemiological study, the design and methodology used should be appropriate for that study and for the research question. It is important for researchers to understand the strengths and limitations of each of the study designs and methods. This gives them a better chance of correctly interpreting results and synthesizing them for use in developing and implementing evidence-based population health programs. For this Discussion, you will explore the strengths and limitations of various types of observational study designs and critique their appropriateness for specific studies.


  • Review the different types of observational study designs presented in the Learning Resources: ecologic, cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort.
  • Carefully examine the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of each design.
  • Consider when it is appropriate to use each of the observational study designs.
  • Consider how using observational study designs can lead to improvements in population health
  • Assignment Post a brief description of the two studies you were assigned, with a particular focus on the study design and methods. Then:
  • Describe at least one strength and one limitation of each study’s design.
  • Identify the population, data sources, and epidemiologic measures of association that the authors used.
  • Finally, share your insights about the appropriateness of the design for the study. Do you agree with the researchers’ choice of design?
  • Do you agree with the researchers’ conclusions? Justify your reasoning.

Here are the 2 articles

Batty, G. D., & Hamer, M. (2020). Vascular risk factors, Framingham risk score, and COVID-19: Community-based cohort studyLinks to an external site.. Cardiovascular Research, 116(10), 16641665.

Hillyer, G. C., Nazareth, M., Lima, S., Schmitt, K. M., Reyes, A., Fleck, E., Schwartz, G. K., & Terry, M. B. (2021). E-cigarette use among young adult patients: The opportunity to intervene on risky lifestyle behaviors to reduce cancer riskLinks to an external site.. Journal of Community Health. Advance online publication.

Requirements: answer all part

Masters Nursing

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design and methodology

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