In a paragraph of no less than 8 sentences and more than 150 words, state your opinion about writing well.

In a paragraph of no less than 8 sentences and more than 150 words, state your opinion about writing well.

Discussion # 4 Summer A 2023

Discussion Topic
In a paragraph of no less than 8 sentences and more than 150 words, state your opinion about writing well.
Why is it important? State at least three reasons. . In this paragraph, state your main idea (Topic Sentence) in
the first sentence; then write your supporting details and one last sentence as a conclusion.
You must respond to one of your peers to receive full credit.
Late submissions will be graded with the following penalties:
1-2 days late: 10 points will be deducted
3-5 days late: 20 points will be deducted
more than 5 days late: 30 points will be deducted

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writing well

APA 161 words

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