Impact of CSR programs on the environment.

Impact of CSR programs on the environment.

Research Assignment: You will write a single research paper due at any time prior
to the date designated in the Schedule below. This research paper will be on a topic
agreed upon between the professor and student, to explore some aspect of social
responsibility of business.

Possible Topics for Research Papers

Choose one topic and write a research of 8 pages make sure you have a resources

· Impact of Social Responsibility Initiatives on the bottom line.
· Social Responsibility and Cause Marketing.
· How can businesses and nonprofits work together for the good of society?
· Impact of CSR programs on the environment.
· Exploration of the Social Responsibility of a Business with respect to its supply
· Corporate Social Responsibility versus Individual Social Responsibility: What are
the different roles?
· Evaluation of the different definitions of corporate social responsibility and
similar terms.
· The Board of Directors and its fiduciary duties: The duty to shareholders versus
the duty to other constituencies


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Product

The paper is well written, showing proper use of grammar and proofreading. The paper should also be footnoted or include citations throughout the body of the document.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Requirements

The paper shows excellent research by the student, and is not cursory but shows depth. The paper should address all aspects of the topic completely.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of Thought

The paper should show excellent thought and analysis. It is important that the student shows that he or she has knowledge of the topic, but als include personal views on the subject matter that have been well considered.

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Impact of CSR programs on the environment

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