Identify two major topics associated with child and adolescent psychology and summarize what you have learned about these topics.

Identify two major topics associated with child and adolescent psychology and summarize what you have learned about these topics.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 in the course textbook and review/watch the following video, articles, and web pages: How to Read a Scholarly Article Links to an external site. a Career in I/O Psychology Links to an external site. History & Myths: Six ABPP Myths… Links to an external site. Paths for Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Links to an external site.  ,Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology Defined Links to an external site. , and Want Access to Members-Only Content? Sign In, Join, or Renew Your Membership Links to an external site..

For this discussion, you will complete two parts:

Part 1

  • Identify two major topics associated with child and adolescent psychology and summarize what you have learned about these topics.
  • Identify two majors topics associated with industrial/organizational psychology and summarize what you have learned about these topics.

Part 2

Textbook: Harper, Y., Rosser-Majors, M., Anderson, S. L., Brewer, S., Kirwan, J., Lozano, Y. M., & Vincent, P. (2020). Psychology applied: Diverse domains, ample opportunity. Bridgepoint Education.

Requirements: 500 words

Subject: Psychology

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child and adolescent psychology

APA 565 words

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