Identify the key points of the case study – what are they? For example: Did you find issues with communication, advocacy, dignity, or autonomy ?

Identify the key points of the case study – what are they? For example: Did you find issues with communication, advocacy, dignity, or autonomy ?

Interactive Case Study Instructions

Week 1 Interactive Case Study Journal

Case Study Video:

After you view the case study, reflect upon what you have learned and how it is related to the learning materials. Compare the case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your experience in which you might have run into an ethical situation.

Then, follow the steps below to include everything being asked…

  1. Include a title page that follows APA format.
  2. Provide an opening paragraph to provide an overview about the case study and some of the issues that you plan to discuss.
  3. In the next section, reflect on what you have learned. Here, it is a good idea to discuss the Provisions and the Nursing Code of Ethics in this section (Can take from the Week 1 discussion). You can also share about the ethical principles that you feel relate to the case study or any ethical concepts in this section. This is an opportunity to shine and elaborate about some of the ethical considerations related to an end-of-life patient scenario.
  4. Next, compare the case study to your nursing practice and share an example from your experience where you might have observed an ethical situation. If you have not experienced an ethical situation in clinical, it is okay to share from your classroom experiences regarding ethics.
  5. Finally, provide a conclusion.

IMPORTANT- Your reflection content should be a minimum of 500 words, equal to five to six paragraphs, and is worth 50 points. Include at least 2 scholarly sources (within 5 years old) in the journal entry with in-text citations. APA format paper.

So, how can you compare your experience to the case study video? Here are some suggestions and questions to think about:

  • Identify the key points of the case study – what are they? For example: Did you find issues with communication, advocacy, dignity, or autonomy ?
  • Have you experienced something either personally or professionally that you can relate to an issue in the case study video? Although an issue within your nursing student experience is fine, if you cannot think of one, you may also use an experience from your current work place or your own personal experience.
  • What do scholarly sources say about these topics? For example, perhaps you identified communication. What does the Code of Ethics say about this topic? What do your reading assignments say? What does a journal article say about communication? Connect experience to the evidence.

Please refer to the directions and rubric. The rubic requires scholarly sources be used. Journal submissions without citations and references of scholarly sources will be marked down. Remember to use the evidence to support your ideas. 2 scholarly sources are required (articles from university library, textbook, Code of Ethics, etc).

Requirements: 500 words


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issues with communication

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