identify something (or some things) you learned in this course that you think you might use in the future and how you think they might help.

identify something (or some things) you learned in this course that you think you might use in the future and how you think they might help.

DQ 10

Welcome to your last DQ of the quarter! I hope these have helped to make the course more fun and engaging, and given you the chance to see how the ideas we’ve been talking about apply to the global health topics you care about most.

In this DQ, I’ll be giving you the chance to reflect on that a bit.

Discussion prompt: We’ve covered a lot in this class that I hope you’ll find useful, whether you end up working in the field of global health or not. For this DQ, please identify something (or some things) you learned in this course that you think you might use in the future and how you think they might help.

As always, please respond to two of your peers.

Resources to use

Explaining Matching Michigan- an ethnographic study of a patient safety program

Explaining Michigan- Developing an Ex Post Theory of a Quality Improvement Program

Lecture 8 – Healthcare Quality & Patient Safety

Initial response (50% of discussion assignment grade): A post of approximately 200-350 words that directly addresses one of the week’s discussion topics and cites appropriate evidence to support your ideas (details below).

Follow-on participation (50% of discussion assignment grade): Write two or more substantive posts in response to other students’ initial responses and cite appropriate evidence to support your ideas (details below). Substantive posts do more than say, “I agree,” or “I disagree.” They add new evidence and new insight to the discussion. Follow-on posts should generally be 100-150 words long, but shorter or longer responses are acceptable as long as they make a significant contribution to the week’s discussion.

Your initial response and follow-on discussion posts should cite evidence from sources such as journal articles, reports by governmental and non-governmental organizations, news articles, and / or class lectures. Personal correspondence with global health practitioners or personal.

Requirements: 500 words

Subject: Masters Global Health

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APA 389 words

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