Identify a brief communication piece about a public health topic related to a change in behavior.

Identify a brief communication piece about a public health topic related to a change in behavior.

Disc 1

The leadership style you adopt with your team will set the pace for how your department functions in the organization.

For your initial post to this discussion, identify traits of a strong leader and compare these to the traits of less effective leaders. Which of these traits do you recognize in your own leadership style? Which of your traits would you like to develop further and why?

Disc 2

Learning the strengths and weaknesses of your staff can be the secret to unlocking the potential of your department. Each employee will have different skills, experiences, and education. As a manager, you will be tasked with identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your staff. You will also have to unlock your staff’s potential.

Following the requirements for discussion posts found in the FEM, describe some ways you can go about identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the members of your team. Provide at least two strategies you could use and describe what these strategies would reveal about your team members.

Disc 3

For this discussion, adhere to the FEM guidelines as you complete the following:

  • Identify a brief communication piece about a public health topic related to a change in behavior.
  • Include the communication piece or a link to it and describe the intended audience.
  • Critique the communication’s effectiveness in persuading the audience about the importance of a change in behavior.
    • Think carefully about the audience and remember that our assumptions and knowledge are often powerful forces that prevent us from understanding the knowledge and learning needs of others.
    • In this communication piece, what was done well and what could be improved?
  • Include one academic reference in your post. Use current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.

Disc 4

For this discussion, adhere to the FEM guidelines as you address the following scenario:

Your team has been asked to develop a presentation for a public health conference on a current chronic disease or health issue. You have been asked to develop a poster presentation and provide a speech. You know very little about this conference or the needs for the presentation and speech. You and your team will be required to conduct some research to identify the requirements for this request.

Possible topics to consider for the presentation include:

  • Obesity.
  • Zika.
  • Vaccine-preventable diseases (measles, mumps, varicella).
  • Heart disease.
  • Cancer.
  • Other topics related to a current chronic disease or health issue.

Describe the topic you have selected for your presentation. Then, develop a series of questions designed to obtain the information you need to respond to this request.

Include one academic reference in your post. Use current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide. This discussion will help you prepare for the assignment in the next unit.

Requirements: 3   |   .ppt file

MASTERS Management

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Identify a brief communication

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