I need a brainstorm on the topic of Divorce. Please review what the instructor wants not a full assignment.

I need a brainstorm on the topic of Divorce. Please review what the instructor wants not a full assignment.’

I need a brainstorm on the topic of Divorce. Please review what the instructor wants not a full assignment. Just an outline. Thanks

When I grade, I am solely looking for these components per your rubric:

Title page (10 points)—————————- in APA format ( fix headers please…do not leave them blank or with the “type title here message”)

Define & explain what SI is using your own knowledge & evidence from the text (40 pts.)………This section should be between 6-15 sentences

Personal situation/issue/topic (must be clear what you are covering- (20pts.) —–This section should be about 4- 6 sentences

(3) Sociological concepts from (3) different OpenStax text chapters (20 pts.)——- You can just bullet/bold/highlight the (3) terms you plain on using that apply to your topic, must be from 3 different chapters/they can not come from the same chapters at all) This section is very important. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE: I am using chapter 3, 5, 17. That is not what is needed. The rubric doesn’t elaborate enough. I want to see I will be using the terms: conflict theory ch. 4 / ethnocentrism ch.8 / heterosexuality ch. 9 (this shows me your (3) terms from (3) different chapters clearly.

Sociological Theory (must be applied to explain your topic) (10 pts.)————-Share the theory you are going to apply to your topic and a snippet on how you’ll apply it.

When grading you either have these things or you do not so make sure your work is clear and understandable.

Whether you submit an outline like in my example documents or a 3-page paper, remember it must have the aforementioned components. I am okay your ideas aren’t fully developed as you will be doing that during the submission of the final essay. The length expectation will be longer for the final paper than it is for this quick outline/paper.

Below is the example outline from My Instructor:

Sociological Imagination Paper


·Should include the definition of Sociological imagination (cite) and then your interpretation of what it means.

·Also, in this section you should include the general overview of your problem/issue that you will discuss in your paper.

oFor example, I will discuss debt and how it has……….


Problem: Debt


-lack of education (family)

-raised in poverty

-Trying to maintain necessities (housing, gas, food, & etc)

-Going back to school

Historical: How can society play a part?

-Recession (lack of job opportunities or lack of skills)

-Great depression









OpenStax. (2015). Introduction to Sociology 2e. Houston, TX: OpenStax. Retrieved from


Requirements: APA format   |   .doc file

Subject: Nursing

Hi, this is just an outline on the topic Divorce. Please try and review what the instructor want. I also, provide example of the outline he shared in class.

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brainstorm on the topic of Divorce

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