How might you incorporate these practices into your future work as an educator?

How might you incorporate these practices into your future work as an educator?

1. Please take a moment to read and think about the following suggestions from Rutgers University Center for Effective School Practices on How Teachers Can Reduce Stereotype Threat in the Classroom Links to an external site.   (there are more in the link for those interested in more information)

A. “Create an identity safe classroom: These are environments in which every student’s identity is intentionally acknowledged and valued (Steele & Cohn-Vargas 2014). In these classrooms, students see themselves in the curriculum, feel affirmed by the images that adorn classroom walls, become acquainted with the cultural backgrounds of peers, and believe they matter as individuals in the classroom community.

B. Priming positive images: This intervention is based in the research which shows when one is primed to think about their race or gender prior to a performance task such as testing, stereotypical associations with the identified group–both positive and negative–surface and influence performance outcomes. Thus, researchers have found that if teachers prime students at risk of stereotype threat with positive images and thoughts such as “You are intelligent,” students often eliminate associations with negative stereotypes and perform at their potential (McGlone 2007). Also of benefit is repeatedly presenting students with exemplars of successful people who share their group identity can validate students’ potential for success.

C. Forewarning students about stereotype threat: Studies have been conducted to demonstrate how awareness among stigmatized groups of the existence of stereotype helps reduce its influence on performance. When a student who is knowledgeable about stereotype threat experiences anxiety during testing, she can disassociate the anxiety from her ability, attribute it to stereotype threat and reduce its effects on her performance (Aronson & Williams 2004; Johns & Schmader 2004 ).”

2. How might you incorporate these practices into your future work as an educator? Have you experienced any of these strategies in your education? If yes, please describe how it influenced you. If no, do you think they would have helped you in situations where you may have been experiencing stereotype threat?

Requirements: 300 words

Subject: Social Science

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How might you incorporate these practices

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