How does your selection assist you in understanding the readings about Mesoamerican civilization?

How does your selection assist you in understanding the readings about Mesoamerican civilization?

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The Introduction to Mesoamerica took us on a journey to place just south of us. Can you imagine for a moment, what life might have been in Mesoamerica. Interestingly enough, most of the history that we encounter about ancient civilizations focus on the Greeks and Romans, but little is explored just south of the United States. We learn about Greek gods, but not Mesoamerican gods.

Nonetheless, please to the following:

Using your skills of internet browsing,select a picture ( it could be buildings, art, figurines, artifacts) from one of the regions of Mesoamerica. Answer the following questions:

  1. What Mesoamerican region did you select?
  2. What made you select the image?
  3. What was interesting about your selection?
  4. How does your selection assist you in understanding the readings about Mesoamerican civilization?
  5. Interact with others in the class about their selection. Ask questions.

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How does your selection assist you in understanding the readings about Mesoamerican civilization?

APA 316 words

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