How does social media impact people’s happiness?

How does social media impact people’s happiness?

How does social media impact people’s happiness?

This idea of course will question whether students are happy when on social media, do seeing others accomplishments make students feel bad about themselves, do students sometimes have to take a break from social media because it has an impact on their mental health or emotional state. For this idea I am looking at running a correlation test.


In the current assignment, students will focus on one research topic and begin developing an experiment that will help to elucidate the relationship between two relevant variables for that topic. Work products for this assignment should have the following features:

1) An argument for why the research topic is scientifically interesting, including citations supporting this argument. This should be approximately 250 words in length.

2) A brief review of the literature, discussing at minimum 2-3 experimental studies that have investigated variables related to those you intend to study. This should be approximately 250 words in length.

3) Operational definitions of the dependent variable(s). These need not be final operational definitions, but I want you to begin thinking about these issues.

4) A hypothesized relationship between your independent variable(s) and dependent variable(s). This hypothesis should be (a) stated as concisely as possible, (b) logical based on previous research, (c) refutable, meaning that it should be stated in such a way that it is possible to disprove, and (d) positive, in the sense that it states an expected relationship between variables, rather than a lack of a relationship.

5) A draft experimental design.

Requirements: 3-4 pages

Subject: Psychology

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How does social media impact people's happiness?

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