How do people frame happiness (fortune? Luck? Spirituality? Family?) how do they frame well being?

How do people frame happiness (fortune? Luck? Spirituality? Family?) how do they frame well being?

Countries to be used: India, Kenya, Jordan, Greece, Croatia

4 pages, double spaced on what the good life looks like across 5 countries

– how do people frame happiness (fortune? Luck? Spirituality? Family?) how do they frame well being?

– should include atleast apa 4 citations/references to class material. (3 good things exercise, happiness notes, luck school, subjective happiness scale, self-talk, optimism, hope, goal setting.)

Some questions to be answered for each country

1. What do you observe about how people talk about happiness? (for example, is it about fortune or luck? Is it about actively pursuing happiness? Is it about spirituality? Is it about physical health? Is it about other people?).

2. What do you observe about how people think about well-being? (is it talked about? Is it something that tends to be more physical? Mental? Emotional? Spiritual?)

3.What does “the good life” look like in this port? (What do people aspire to? What seems to be important?).

4. What did you notice that did or didn’t align with that you would have expected based on what we’ve learned about in class? What surprised you?

5. What are some concepts or readings from class that are related to what you observed?

Textbook: Positive psychology the basics by Rona Hart

Requirements: 4 pages double spaced

Subject: Psychology

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How do people frame happiness

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