How did Martin Luther King’s philosophy of non-violent protest bring success to the Civil Rights struggle 1955 – 1965?

How did Martin Luther King’s philosophy of non-violent protest bring success to the Civil Rights struggle 1955 – 1965?

How did Martin Luther King’s philosophy of non-violent protest bring success to the Civil Rights struggle 1955 – 1965?

Read the Textbook and Watch the Video Lecture: Read Newman: pp. 621 – 624 & 651 – 653 or Shi Chapters 26 AND 27. lecture Videos America and the FiftiesAND A New Frontier and the Great Society 1960 1968 Part 2 The textbook and the Lecture videos are the only sources you can use.

In answering the Discussion Write Your Discussion on a Word Document; At least two or three paragraphs, a minimum of 200 words and Properly cited in the Chicago Manual of style ONLY! Four End notes is the maximum and not longer than 25 word.

Requirements: 300

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Martin Luther King's philosophy

APA 330 words

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