Having considered each, identify which of the three positions makes the most sense to you and explain why

Having considered each, identify which of the three positions makes the most sense to you and explain why

Having considered each, identify which of the three positions makes the most sense to you and explain why. This should be based on more than what you would like it to be. What makes one position’s evidence stronger to you than the others? You need to explain this.


For your final paragraph, you need to address a specific problem with the position you picked in step 2, as follows:

  • If you chose humans are naturally bad, how can any government be trusted if it consists of humans?
  • If you chose humans are naturally neutral, does that mean no one is ultimately responsible for their actions because they are just a product of their environment—what about historical figures who stood up to their societies and said something was wrong?
  • If you chose humans are naturally good, why are laws of any kind necessary?

Your assignment here is to write out your thoughts on the question of human nature, not provide the final answer. So think deeply about these ideas, but don’t stress if you’re not satisfied with your response in the final step—there is a reason people have been debating these issues for a few centuries and counting!

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identify which of the three positions

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