Has the group process been successful? In what way have members become empowered?

Has the group process been successful? In what way have members become empowered?

Has the group process been successful? In what way have members become empowered? Have coping skills strengthened or symptoms decreased? These kinds of questions point to the ending evaluation stage, but they should be in the social worker’s mind from the beginning, as they may help in designing the group and articulating its purpose and goals. Similarly, it is helpful to plan the methods for evaluation early on. This is because social workers may want to get a baseline assessment of the group at the start, so they can compare that to the evaluation results later, following many weeks or months of treatment. Social workers may also draw on observational measures to indicate the degree of success and readiness for termination.

In this Assignment, you write the next section of your Treatment Group Proposal by laying out the evaluation methods you would use.

  • Review the Learning Resources on group termination and evaluation.
  • Review your Week 8 Assignment, in which you detailed the intervention framework for your proposed group.
  • Continue to draft your Treatment Group Proposal by focusing on evaluation

Submit a 1- to 2-page paper covering the following section of your Treatment Group Proposal:

  • Evaluation Methods
    • Describe a group assessment tool you would use to evaluate your group’s progress. Explain and justify why it would be useful.
    • Describe an observational measure you would use to determine group member progress and readiness for termination. Explain why it would be useful.

Use the Learning Resources and any relevant additional literature to support your paper. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Pearson. Chapter 13, “Ending the Group’s Work” (pp. 395–416); Chapter 14, “Evaluation” (417-443)

Felton, E. M., & Polowy, C. I. (2019, January 22). Termination: Ending the therapeutic relationship—Avoiding abandonment. National Association of Social Workers. https://naswcanews.org/termination-ending-the-therapeutic-relationship-avoiding-abandonment/

Patterson, J., Williams, L., Edwards, T. M., Chamow, L., & Grauf-Grounds, C. (2018). Termination. In Essential skills in family therapy: From the first interview to termination (3rd ed., pp. 262–274). Guilford Press –  chapter attached


Requirements: 2 pages

Masters Case Studies

I am going to go ahead and attach the files you will need to complete the assignment. Its nice working with you again

Please see the below Zip Files. Please use assignments 6-8. You actually worked on these assignments as well. Assignments 6-8 are steppingstones for a much larger assignment. Also be sure to use APA 7 Formatting. Use the resources attached as references in the assignment.

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