Go on the Internet, and Review Major Events in American History

Go on the Internet, and Review Major Events in American History

Assignment- Go on the Internet, and Review Major Events in American History. Thereafter, prepare a ten (10) page paper, pursuant to APA Mandates, on one event, or era, in American History that was the most beneficial, in your opinion, to the development of this country, or in contra, most detrimental to the advancement of the United States

I have chosen to right about something concerning civil rights and their fight for equality. As that topic was too broad the professor told me, “But writing on the Equal Protection Clause as found in the 14th Amendment would be fine.You though would have to argue a position regarding the same.”


Student presents a bona fide Thesis Statement which is devoid of any ambiguity or subject to any degree of multiple Interpretation; Ten (X) Points.

Paper, “as presented,” is well-written and “flows” as to thought and overall discussion. Ten (X) Points.

Paper is free to as general grammatical errors, overall sentence structure and devoid of spelling or typing errors. Ten (X) Points.

Paper appears to be in conformity as to what is required by the APA as to overall organization, structure, research citations and related mandates/requirements. Ten (X) Points.

The paper is interesting to read and contains material therein which is thought provoking, revealing and informative. There is a sequence of ideas which are effective as are the transitions in writing. Ten (X) Points.

Student clearly demonstrates, or illustrates, within his/her writing, an understanding as to the true nature of the major historical issue, or era, in contention. Ten (X) Points.

The paper, as written, is thorough, analytical and most convincing. It is obvious that the student expended a considerable amount of time and effort into its preparation. Ten (X) Points.

Student research, in preparation of the paper/assignment, and the materials/quotes incorporated, therein, appears to be relevant, on point, and most appropriate for citation. Ten (X) Points.

Student has prepared a thorough conclusion which directly relates to his/her Thesis Statement. Ten (X) Points.

The paper clearly and fully meets all requirement of the assignment. Ten (X) Points.

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Masters History

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