Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the American people a New Deal. Let’s look at the local impact in Texas

Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the American people a New Deal. Let’s look at the local impact in Texas

Discussion: Impact of the New Deal in Texas

Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the American people a New Deal. Let’s look at the local impact in Texas. Texas had projects from both the CCC & PWA. Pick a project from the New Deal to research. Questions to consider include: How many people did it put to work? What was the impact of the project? Is this space still used today? Have you visited any of these places? Share your findings in the discussion board, including plaques or markers if applicable.

1. Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately

2. In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you

3. Reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts who selected different groups and attempt to answer their questions (100 word posts minimum)

Interpreting the Past: Homefront Propoganda

One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis of this research. After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the American homefront during World War Two.

You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them: How were people on the home front encouraged to participate in the war effort? Which of the posters do you think was most effective? In what ways were people’s part in the war impactful? Where can you still see evidence of these behaviors? You can also focus on the “Double Victory” or women’s role/changes based on their homefront experience.

This assignment should be at least 300 words and contain your reactions or questions about some specific issue within the historical narrative that you find compelling. For full credit, your paper must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Rather, I’m looking for you to create your own interpretation, explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some original insight. Include citations as needed.

What should we remember?

I ask you what should we remember about U.S. history? This course covers decades of life in our nation and I often consider what should be remembered. As many of you have heard “Remember the Alamo” in regard to Texas, what should be remembered from this U.S. history course that we have covered in the modules so far? Consider how this connects to today’s climate and events plus your role in the past, present and future. What questions from this course thus far continue to ‘haunt’ your or have you found yourself bringing up with friends or family? What issues, events and perspectives will you continue to consider as you move forward? What else are you hoping to learn about, discuss in a discussion board and wrestle with as we move through the second half of this course?

Previous Topics:

The Comanches

People that shaped the West

Political cartoons

Yellow Journalism

1920s Culture and the New Woman

Fourteen Points

As you can see, this assignment could take many forms. You do not need to answer all of the questions above, but instead they are intended to spark your writing and thinking. Please make sure your assignment is 500 words and cite all sources in APA. Please incorporate at least 1 primary source and 1 secondary source into your submission.

Requirements: 5 pages

Please separate the topics

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Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the American people a New Deal

APA 396 words

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